I've got no idea who took the video. I wish they'd take the comments off of the screen though.

Yes indeed, that text box flashing up telling people to f-off is about as immature as one could get and puts 4x4 drivers right into the stereotype that people's perceptions would expect.
Pathetic and should be removed immediately.
Yes indeed, that text box flashing up telling people to f-off is about as immature as one could get and puts 4x4 drivers right into the stereotype that people's perceptions would expect.
Pathetic and should be removed immediately.


Hardly helping the cause is it!!
I've messaged the guy that posted the vid on Youtube. Seems like a nice guy, was just annoyed that the village had used his vid in the way they did. He's going to remove the comment box. Think that's the right decision.:D
Hmm must be copyright issue there, despite Youtube being public domain.
Perhaps take the vids down and then demand that they do the same?
Don't know if it will work but might throw a spanner in their works.

really want to go out laning soon wondering if anyone fancies a trip out not been out off roading in years and not laned before. worked out a 15 mile route round clavering, stickling green, butts green, duddenhoe end, arkesden wicken bonhunt etc. if anyone has done these routes. also looked at the maps for one in chesham which is just over a mile long. Anyone interested in showing me the ropes?
You want the other Hertfordshire green lane thread
The one with 20000 replies that one is in use all the time
This is an old one that no one goes on
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