Probably go back to Whaddon next. Devils Pit, although on my doorstep, at the moment it's too wet to get around properly and the clean up job after is horrendous. Whaddon is just plain mud rather than the concrete at the pit.
Lanes: I want to do the one's up around Hitchin, done a couple of them but the other one's looked too scary to do on my own. Doable I think, but I would want someone else along in case I got stuck.
Any ideas Tiki?
i would be up for that:D
Follow the road round to the right instead of going up the byway. about a 1/4 mil the road turns sharply to the left. There is a highway on the right. Not too long but quite slippery in places. It runs down the side of a kennels I think. Turn right at the end to end up back on the A5. I think it is signposted as a highway. There are a couple of trees that might cause a problem but you are usually fine if you let the ruts guide you around the corner. This would be about the limit of what I would do alone... but after bad weather I would make sure I had a phone number for someone local just in case.
Follow the road round to the right instead of going up the byway. about a 1/4 mil the road turns sharply to the left. There is a highway on the right. Not too long but quite slippery in places. It runs down the side of a kennels I think. Turn right at the end to end up back on the A5. I think it is signposted as a highway. There are a couple of trees that might cause a problem but you are usually fine if you let the ruts guide you around the corner. This would be about the limit of what I would do alone... but after bad weather I would make sure I had a phone number for someone local just in case.

I don't think I've even done this one. Expecting lots of rain tomorrow, might give it a go.
Hello guys,

Me and a mate are planning on driving violets lane next week, ive seen on a website that there appears to be some locals getting a bit upset... See Here!

Anyone got any more info on this... i'm a bit new to greenlaning... and dont want to upset the locals anymore!!! lol
Hello guys,

Me and a mate are planning on driving violets lane next week, ive seen on a website that there appears to be some locals getting a bit upset... See Here!

Anyone got any more info on this... i'm a bit new to greenlaning... and dont want to upset the locals anymore!!! lol
Firstly that's me in that video.
Secondly Violets Lane is a road, a byway open to all traffic. The locals can get upset all they like, they can't stop you driving it.

A word of caution though, Violets Lane can be pretty extreme if there's a lot of water in it, over the bonnet deep easily.
;) Cheers Mate!

Yeah ive had a look at a couple of videos, and they say it can reach 4ft in places... especially if its rained!

Yeah looking through the trailwise website and OS maps, and also LRO Mag, i had always thought it was a BOAT...

Good video mate! are there any local greenlane runs/trips planned anytime soon??
I've been through it sometimes and I'd wished I was in a BOAT:D

We're sorting some laning out soon, keep an eye on the Herts Lanes thread.

Lol! will do mate!

Due to work we work odd times, but with a couple of weeks notice i can sort days off etc...
LOL! hmmm lets hope it isnt too deep tuesday then! ill video it and post a link here!

then we can all giggle at our misfortune if the worst happens! lol
You do carry international rescue phone numbers right?
Hmmm, Not liking the idea of that article though, and the site linking to a video of some one Legally driving the lane.
Well tomorrow at 11am we shall be heading from Stevenage to the violets lane area... If anyone fancies tagging along PM me and we can maybe arrange something!
Afternoon all,
Dave, how did you get on with Violets Lane, any locals give you grief? I'm hoping to do it this Sunday with the Series 3 club, looks awesome fun!
Afternoon all,
Dave, how did you get on with Violets Lane, any locals give you grief? I'm hoping to do it this Sunday with the Series 3 club, looks awesome fun!

They didn't make it that far, got stuck for a mere 60 hours in a little lane.:D

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