Tiki Al

New Member
any one do any green laning in or near hertfordshire, i've finally got my landy sorted and would love to do some green laning in it but bon't know where to start :confused: anyone got any ideas ?
There's a big ford at Stocking Pelham (or is it Furneux Pelham? - been many years since I was there) you could base something around that. The local pink map is always a good idea.
Isn't Ferneux Pelham an illness contracted from central heating scale inhibitor?
Would love 2 jion you in the future but i have jst had my 90 nicked. Make it secure before the allure of sexy wheels and tyres draw you away from security like they did me. Only had my first car since november!
i'm rite on herts middx boarder, i'm up for it. apparently theres a load of lanes running from watford to luton but dont know wot the rights of way is on them now.
have heard that too, but don't really know where they are :confused:

where abouts do u go off roading driving_mad ? might have to meet up
i live in swansea half the year so here and there. theres a place near dunstable called devils pit Devils Pit - 4x4 EXPERIENCE its a pay and play site in an old chalk quarry. pay 25notes and drive round all day, has varrying levles of driving. i did some lanes near alyesbury which were great fun and not too challenging. other stuff i've done has been further from home in swindow and few bits round south wales area and some in europe when travelling. try www.offroadroutes.org but beware as some of these lanes are now technically not legal to drive on due to changes of rights of way.
Green Lane Association Ltd. - Home too has plenty of info
Probably go back to Whaddon next. Devils Pit, although on my doorstep, at the moment it's too wet to get around properly and the clean up job after is horrendous. Whaddon is just plain mud rather than the concrete at the pit.
Lanes: I want to do the one's up around Hitchin, done a couple of them but the other one's looked too scary to do on my own. Doable I think, but I would want someone else along in case I got stuck.
Any ideas Tiki?
well i'm going to whaddon next time it's on, 25th i think, don't really know any lanes so if there's any you fancy giving a go i'll be up for it. i've not got a winch but i've got good recovery points and a tow strap :)
what and where is whaddon? never heard of it.
sounds good, have to find some lanes near by. i'll be home in middx around 23th-30th.
Well Tiki if you get anywhere to go let us know and I shall join up with you I have not yet had the fun of Greenlaning and believe it or not the wife wants to have a drive aswell...

So anyone in Beds and Herts want to have a run out somewhere local and not too distant from a drinking establishment?
well like i said b4 there are a load of lanes form watford to luton. maybe us locals shud meet up. if someone buys the route map and then we'll split the cost when we do it?
Driving mad, Whaddon is a pay and play site just west of Milton Keynes, it's a farm with lots of mud, but normal stuff not like the concrete at the Pit. Pretty much non damaging too. I can't do the 28th as I'm working on Comic Relief in Leicester Square that day. I have OS maps of most of Herts & Beds, but not the Watford ones. I will get the maps out and organise something, a lot of the good ones will reopen in April after the winter closures. I know there are some good ones around Santa Pod, would be a good day out.
I can't do anything until 14th April, after that I'm free. Then the lanes with winter closures will be open too.

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