There's some nice weather heading your way today/tomorrow Aaron so good luck with the progress build mate:)
Well today was the first nice day in a while, Well actually I say nice, What I really mean is it wasn't raining. But I'm happy if it stays like that. Not a fan of hot weather any way.
Really should have had a full day at it but didn't start until dinner time :eek:

So first job, Take the bonnet off, Jig some stuff about in the shed so I can get the engine crane out.

Unbolted bell housing, Disconnected all wiring/pipes, Removed rad and air box, Strapped up and lifted it out.


And out :)


Next lift the gearbox out. Used the engine crane because I'm 9st wet through :eek: so far to heavy on me tod.


And bulkhead off, gearbox crossmember out, gearbox/transfer box mounts and steering box removed plus a few other bits and bobs.



And engine and box in there resting place for the foreseeable future. Well actually I'll be selling the engine but going to keep the lt77 just incase.


Chassis is much better than I thought it would be.
Could probably do with a pair of front outriggers, They've been patched in the past so would look better with new ones.
Probably want a couple of other little patches but other than that it's not bad,

So now I don't know whether to go galv chassis or not, Seems a shame not to.
But also seems a shame to scrap what is actually a half decent chassis.
Suppose it depends which way the engine choice goes.

This was behind the gearbox crossmember, Same **** different landrover :boink:


Great work! Love the pictures... keep them coming please! :D

I agree, it would be a shame to scrap an okay chassis.

But I think the engine you really want to put in is a V8? Yes? ;)

Keep the current chassis and weld on some V8 mounts. Keep the chassis for originality! :)
you really fly through strip down! id like get my rear tub off so i can paint chassis but think its beyond me!
great read!
My chassis was the same behind the gear box cross member. the problem is you don't know what it's like inside. Mine looked reasonable on the outside and it's ten years younger than yours. I cut sections pieces out of the side rails to use as new flanges for the gear box cross member and it was surprising how bad it was rusting from the inside. It had supposedly been waxoyled inside too.

The swivels look shiny and the top of the bulkhead looks clean too.
Don't mess about do you mate, fair play to you. So what colour is this one going to be or you still got loads of blue left :rolleyes:

At this rate be all done by monday
Great work! Love the pictures... keep them coming please! :D

I agree, it would be a shame to scrap an okay chassis.

But I think the engine you really want to put in is a V8? Yes? ;)

Keep the current chassis and weld on some V8 mounts. Keep the chassis for originality! :)

Cheers :)
Nope, The engine I really want is a 6bt :D

you really fly through strip down! id like get my rear tub off so i can paint chassis but think its beyond me!
great read!

Steady away mate, Tub off is an easy job, Much simpler than it looks.

My chassis was the same behind the gear box cross member. the problem is you don't know what it's like inside. Mine looked reasonable on the outside and it's ten years younger than yours. I cut sections pieces out of the side rails to use as new flanges for the gear box cross member and it was surprising how bad it was rusting from the inside. It had supposedly been waxoyled inside too.

The swivels look shiny and the top of the bulkhead looks clean too.

To be honest the early chassis seem better then the later ones. I haven't given it the proper once over yet. I just expected it to be worse from the outset.

Bulkheads not bad needs a top corner and a foot.
And swivels are mint for once :eek: Need to find a disc back axle for it though.

Don't mess about do you mate, fair play to you. So what colour is this one going to be or you still got loads of blue left :rolleyes:

At this rate be all done by monday

No idea on colour yet mate. Not even thought about it. Painting is a long way of yet.
I do have about 2L of blue left so not enough to paint this :rolleyes:
That's the problem I buy 5L of paint use 3L and then don't know what to do with the spare.
I'm giving up purchasing Land rover magazines, it's much more enjoyable and informative reading your threads. :D
Could always finish the inside of your garage, I noticed you had started:D:D:D

:eek: Yep that's when I forget to take me bit of wood in to set me gun up.

I'm giving up purchasing Land rover magazines, it's much more enjoyable and informative reading your threads. :D

Nice to know people enjoy my build threads :)
I don't know, Don't you get proper a proper "how to" in LR mag.
And they're professionals, I'm just a clampit working in me yard ****ing me neighbours off :D

Off to a flyer again mate
looking forward to another rebuild thread

Glad you're interested :), Wasn't sure if there was a need or want for this thread to be honest.
'tis in bits now :D Things will slow down for a few weeks until I make some decisions about the build.
Well it's finally in bits :)

So front axle first. Not to bad lift chassis up and roll back leaving front axle sitting there.



Next the back axle, Not quite so easy on your own.
Trying to lift the chassis up and then roll the axle out is quite a task, But I got there in the end.
Id have lifted chassis with engine crane but didn't have enough room.


I then had a dilemma I need to get the back axle past the chassis, Right I'll stand the chassis up against the wall and the axle will squeeze past.


Erm no :mad: Got jammed inbetween the chassis and fence.
So after f*ck knows how long I got it through


Had a good sweep up as it was a bloody **** hole and chassis back on the floor.



Front axle which will be staying, Just needs paint :p


And the back axle which I'll probably sell and find a disc braked one.


And that'll probably be it for a couple of weeks. Until I make some decisions about which way the build is going to go. And try and source a few bits for it.
Which one are you thinking of keeping, now?

If you sold the blue one, would you recoup the money you have spent on it? For me, this would be a factor in the decision about what to do with Red Shed. If I was keeping it I would go galv chassis. If I was selling it and the chassis is viable, I would fix the chassis up, paint it and take plenty of pics for the sale :)
Done in record time again, seen as you've finished this early may as well get changed and go for a pint with George:p

Chassis don't look too bad from pics, is it a keeper?

where's the pics of DAF?:)
Which one are you thinking of keeping, now?

If you sold the blue one, would you recoup the money you have spent on it? For me, this would be a factor in the decision about what to do with Red Shed. If I was keeping it I would go galv chassis. If I was selling it and the chassis is viable, I would fix the chassis up, paint it and take plenty of pics for the sale :)

No this is exactly my thoughts :)

Which one I keep depends on what I do with this.
So I can either.
Repair the odd bits on this chassis, Stick a tdi in it and sell it.
As I'd rather have my blue one :D
I could put a galv chassis on it and it'd be easier but unsure if it'd get the money back.

Or buy a galv chassis, Put a cummins 6bt in it.
Doing this I'd rather keep this than the blue one,
As for whether I'll get my money back. I'll reserve judgment for now, Looking at some of the prices on ebay, Yes I'd get my money back but it doesn't necessarily mean they actually sell.
Just looked up the 6BT, because I didn't know anything about it. 5.9ltrs :eek:

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