it's his motor his money his choices

and a long way from my taste, i just wish i hadn't posted in this thread before :eek:
By the time he has spent all that money and time making that old girl or trying being the operative word, he could have a bloody offender, he's a moron, and the worst thing is his parents just "oh that's nice good job son!" he should receive rape and treason, i mean my landy 2a is getting it's 19j into 12j and a offenders tub cut to suite an 88 and yes the lights will be series style wouldn't have any other way,

this thread should either be deleted or locked in my opinion, not for what the kid has done to HIS landrover

but rather for how the comments are getting carried away

remember folks, this motor may not be to your taste but it also isn't your motor
this thread should either be deleted or locked in my opinion, not for what the kid has done to his landrover

but rather for how the comments are getting carried away

remember folks, this motor may not be to your taste but it also isn't your motor

the whole point of this part of the forum is to help eachother preserve the series breed you know save and appreciate, all motors on here belong to all of us that's why we share the love and appriciation, we are a group of enthusiasts, so your wrong there, also we are trying to save the breed from dieing. Now i don't mean to be harsh as at least he chose a leafer fair play well done but it annoys me because they're full of characters that we all love, he is trying to make it a offender even if he is stupid enough to then coil it all that money why not save for guess what yes a coilers dream. And yes ok atleast it isn't going to be turned into a a cube but if it isn't broke (far from it in style and looks) then why change it? These are becoming very desirable but as with most not all youths today it's not good enough, don't buy it then, these old girls can still work hard but it doesn't mean they should that it's right. Keep the looks but tyres radio maybe a truck cab but really. You giving a life an abortion, it's not right!
ok S3S16, i do appeciate mostly standard Series motors being as i own three and have two of them as my daily drivers, i am also a little bit "rivetty" in my appreciation of them

but one thing that gets my goat is actually telling someone how they should/must treat THIER property

would you and others condemn him quite so roundly if he'd bought it and just left it to rot as long as he left it looking original ??

i think it's ugly, it's not at all to my taste but it's also not my motor

i've also been in the situation where i've been slated over modifications to my motor and that was primarily just an engine change, my response was "when you're paying for it and the fuel bills then you can dictate, until then shut the #### up"

i think the above response of mine also applies to this motor and the lads desire to build it how he sees it

he could be ****ing his money away on beer and drugs but no, he's out there learning and swinging spanners, so regardless of taste/vision he should be applauded and maybe guided a little rather than hammered by internet warriors with little better to do than waste bandwidth
First of you shut it! You just admitted to being in the same boat of oh I don't like that........

Second off you spinker you obviously don't like them that much or you'd see where I'm coming from.
And last of all I'm merely saying that us as appreciates of the series or most of don't like or want to see treason taking place , you tellitubbi


and relax!!
Did you step on a lego or something? Calm yer tits!

Yeah ok so this is a series forum for series lovers, and his mods may not be to everyone's taste - but it doesn't deserve such a tirade of abuse. As mentioned, it's HIS property to do as he wishes - if he tried to stick a fender grill on your series then by all means give him what for, but he hasn't so leave him be.

In the good ol' words of Thumper, "If you can't say something nice... don't say nothing at all."
I'm sorry crew, all is on top of me wife sister died my mate is DIEING wife is over in Ireland and I'm sorry to have been a ####. ATLEAST it is still a series not rotting away so nipper who's landy it is I'm sorry mate.:welcome::5biagree:
Sorry to hear your having a tough time of things bud! Chin up though, the sun will shine tomorrow :)

As for the OP, I'm interested to see how this turns out - if they were all bronze green and factory fresh they would be boring. I'll be keeping my own series looking like one, but the best thing about Landies is that they're a giant meccano kit and have almost infinite number of ways to customise them. My one bit of advice though would be to keep all mods bolt on so that you can restore it's original looks if you change your mind one day - keep on posting :)
yes, it would be boring if all landies looked the same, nothing wrong with this one imho maybe not everyone's taste but seems to be a fair bit of effort and quality work going into it, and I am intrigued by that bright green, lets see the finished article :D
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some of you lot really need to chill out at the end of the day if you don't like my truck and what I've done to it fine but don't bring the negative comments to my thread simply don't comment if you don't like thank for the good lads on here that can see the hard work and my own money and yeah I've spent a fair amount of money on it but still don't come close to what a running defender would cost it's a budget build thats still built to the way I want it
Anyway back to the build of MY series 3 after a full day of painting the other sides not finished but she will get there she's now got a name "kermit
Oh the pictures Make the green way more brighter than it really is and every mod is removable so It can be put back original
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Anyway back to the build of MY series 3 after a full day of painting the other sides not finished but she will get there she's now got a name "kermit

I'm sorry mate going through crappy times, not your fault.

My landy challenger was called Kermit great name for the occasion very appropriate,

Sorry again mate keep up the good work, as for the OFFENDER DEFENDER, our is quite good 31 mpg with crazy tyres:eek:
I'm sorry mate going through crappy times, not your fault.

My landy challenger was called Kermit great name for the occasion very appropriate,

Sorry again mate keep up the good work, as for the OFFENDER DEFENDER, our is quite good 31 mpg with crazy tyres:eek:

It's all Good mate I get that people are not going to like my series oh and I'm painting with a a good old gloss roller still undecided if to put rrc/d1 10 spline diff in it with these tyers

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