. i'l go my own way and find a REAL informative sight where people have a genuine interest

Buy a disco and use the money you save to pay someone to teach you to spill proparly cos yur spilling is attrot attroci fooking ****e.
well done a search and didnt help me much, just loads of people saying it'l cost you loads. Are you all a bunch of misserable tight b@stards on here? guess so. i'l go my own way and find a REAL informative sight where people have a genuine interest
a fought we all had a genuine i nterest mostly in taking the **** maybe if yed had a bit o banter on yer 1st reply instead o insulting people fer a few off the cuff remarks
oh n welcome by the way :D
As the others said, perhaps an introduction would have been better take a look at your original post. It dives straight in with a question with no mention of who you are etc. A little bit impolite. As for tight fisted, I would say its more like common sense, buying good solid trustworthy vehicles and owning and maintaining them mainly themselves. A lot of people dont have the resources to pay £20K + for a Landrover. If you do then you are more fortunate than most.

I suggest you start again from scratch with a new slightly more polite request.

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