Your original question is "if 275/70/18 tyres fit on a standard defender without having to modify" to which the answer is no as the standard size rims are 16-inch and you can't fit an 18-inch tyre to a 16-inch rim.
You then follow up with "I brought it with cooper att3 265/65/18 on" which shows that you already have 18-inch rims fitted which were not fitted by LR and are therefore a modification.
If you are happy running 18-inch rims then fine, will 275/70x18 fit ok I don't know but hopefully someone will come along who has experience of that particular size.
Are you set on retaining the 18-inch rims?
I ask as reverting to standard 16-inch will give you a far wider choice of tyre makes and also the STT PRO is a mud tyre and it is strange to fit an 18-inch mud tyre to an otherwise standard setup as normally you want maximum sidewall height.
Personally I have been running Cooper 265/75x16 ST MAXX on my 90 for years now and they are fine (as well as being the factory fit size), not as good on the road as the BFG AT's they replaced but everything in life is a compromise.