Why don't peeps attach a bit of string to the tow ball, so they can be pulled back out?

(or a winch cable)

I believe that's one of the thoughts that arose from that excursion. But it was just a ford, well known and not that high so what could go wrong?
Prob is..... with mud... you cant tell much :eek:

remember my kayaking days.... "Canal don't look very deep"...... "No - but there is 10foot of soft silt that yu sink into" :eek:
Always have a short person or small child as a passenger to utilise as a depth gauge and if it gets real bad also a ground anchor.

Sticks have all been recalled by LR because Mr Jonshon Smite of Chelsea found inconsistencies in stick design Could cause confusion when used. LR now suggest small people as they will either find the bottom depth or provide flow rate of river crossing.

Don't think I've ever really measured the depth of a water hole or crossing it's always been semi assessed as much as can be by what tyres have previously gone through. Then it's either hell yea or we will go and say to the other landy you got a rope right.
Let's be honest, experience days are for merc and Beemer driving city types to 'experience' the Land Rover and hopefully for LR sell another product to a wealthy momma. They give advice based on the person knowing zero like never braking downhill pre hill decent tech.

Joining a club (not nessasarily an ALRC based club) but one that does do trialling paying £20 a year going a few weekends a year and getting involved will teach driving and ground reading techniques any Land Rover experience course can never cover nor is it designed to.

Seriously a LR experience day is designed and setup for one thing only and that is to show products off, to impress and be elite under the cover of training or experience day. They have their place. For what they cost you can have a years worth of trials and membership to most clubs.

Also you got to ask what happened when the expert drivers *cough came to play and show off how good the new motors were. After getting two stuck, LR gave the drivers a talking to and pulled all vehicles except the 90 model. Then a series 1 1950's LR drove where they couldn't oh how we laughed!!!
Also you got to ask what happened when the expert drivers *cough came to play and show off how good the new motors were. After getting two stuck, LR gave the drivers a talking to and pulled all vehicles except the 90 model. Then a series 1 1950's LR drove where they couldn't oh how we laughed!!!

Eastnor last year??

:D :D :D Snigger :D :D :D

Took some getting out. We had to re work the ropes a lot shorter to get a straighter pull away from the rear quarter digging in the bank and I was being mindful that the recovery point wasn't amazing so it was taken easy but once we sorted that first 10
Minutes of stuff out it came out ok.
Please delete me from the LZIR list, I no longer own a Landie

If you insist but it's not all mud and glory. Often a part or tool needs fetching, or somewhere to park for a day or two.

PM me if you still want to be taken off the list

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