A case of lack of knowledge of legality of byways rather than off piste ****ing around. Also didn't realise that the transfer box lever moved left to be in difflock so was struggling just in low range. The OP was very apologetic and grateful. We have him a low down of appropriate greenlaning and also of other options IE P&P and trailing. He was very well stuck and will probably need a new rear tyre soon!

Just a case of arse/elbow syndrome really.

He was slightly off piste made a bad descision paid the price. Is rad was under sludge over night so it will take him time to clean and sort. I'm sure he got he message. He honestly didn't know. He has been told not to wander from the track alas he was following a well established track which inside piste right where it met the actual track he was only 10 meters off taken the wrong fork. It's no defence but he will learn his lesson. He paid petrol and I gave Lee a few quid from it
for helping. I wouldn't normally take money but off piste slightly or a lot I'll take what's offered and it was a 2 and a half hrs round trip.

I never took any pictures but the 90 took some grief poor 10 spline rear axle held up ok was pretty straight forward recovery pulling him out backwards but took some shifting discos bloody heavy especially half buried in a bank! But job done all is well!
Snorkel was air tight then?

Amazing really that someone could go out playing in a winch equipped Landy and not know about diff lock :confused:
Is that what the remote buttons are for on my 110 to turn the diff lock on and off? Mine must be wired wrong as all it does is sometimes lock some of the doors and make the indicators flash.
To be fair, established off piste tracks are a big problem. In some places like Salisbury plain there's wide tracks with 3 or 4 options and using any of them isn't an issue.

In others it's likely to get the whole lane closed.
Same thing here it looks like a way to drive alas I suspect it's a well established off piste route. He was just following tracks he is new some leniency required if it happens again then different matter. He was genuine
The lane was closed two years ago for repairs.
Over the past year the lane has been getting more and more abuse, with off piste tracks running along the river and then crossing the lane onto farm land.
It really is just a matter of time until it's closed to everyone except those who are happy to break the law anyway.

Well done to Jai and Lee.
Shadow puppets, there's a few of us who meet for pubs meets, pay and play days and of course laning.
If you want to get involved, just pop a post in the Essex lanes thread.
We know most of the legal lanes in essex and try and best to stick to them.
The lane was closed two years ago for repairs.
Over the past year the lane has been getting more and more abuse, with off piste tracks running along the river and then crossing the lane onto farm land.
It really is just a matter of time until it's closed to everyone except those who are happy to break the law anyway.

Well done to Jai and Lee.
Shadow puppets, there's a few of us who meet for pubs meets, pay and play days and of course laning.
If you want to get involved, just pop a post in the Essex lanes thread.
We know most of the legal lanes in essex and try and best to stick to them.

Well said DD, I hope the offer is taken up
I must say I think what those guys ( Jai and Lee ) did yesterday really was above and beyond ,its nice to know if you are in deep tish there are people on here that are prepared to help you out .F.A.B Jai and Lee well done .
It will be a shame if that lane gets closed as its a nice place to finish off a laning trip as you can stop under the bridge for a chat plus there is a nice ford at the end for a quick chassis dip.

So from this we can establish

1) Dont go out on your own

2) Find a local club or group who have knowledge not only of local lanes but of correct recovery techniques etc.

You will learn more going out with a group on one trip than you will in a year going out on your own.
Big thank you to lee and jai for helping and pulling me out as they have said I am new to all this and I didn't realise that I had gone off the tracks as I was just following other tracks other people had made. But the guys have told me and gave me some really good advice about all this and did recommend some really good clubs to join up to which I will be doing and explained all the legalities about this. I have learnt a lesson here.

I will be posting in the Essex area part as well discodad as I do not want to be breaking any laws I just want to enjoy going off road in my discovery so I will be looking to go out with other people and meet new people doing this.

To summarise thank you so much to blue beasty for putting out the word and a huge thank you to jai_landrover and leebastard for pulling me out they were really amazing guys for travelling the round trip to help me out.
Seems you have the right attitude :clap2:

Essex Mud Monkeys are out your way and have a pub meet this friday i think, drop Drizz a PM on here :)
I thought that rule 1 in the LR off-road driving course was if you don't know the hazard, walk it with a stick first before driving it.
Had the OP done that he would have guessed he might be trouble when his wellies filled up with mud.
Still, a lesson learned for all of us and well done to the "LZIR recovery team"
I thought that rule 1 in the LR off-road driving course was if you don't know the hazard, walk it with a stick first before driving it.

No - rule 1 in the LR off-road driving course was if you don't know the hazard, get someone else to walk it with a stick first before driving it. :p
I thought that rule 1 in the LR off-road driving course was if you don't know the hazard, walk it with a stick first before driving it.
Had the OP done that he would have guessed he might be trouble when his wellies filled up with mud.
Still, a lesson learned for all of us and well done to the "LZIR recovery team"

And how would you assess a 3ft ford crossing? buy a wet suit :D

Not everyone has been on an experience day so wouldnt know that and in 5 years of laning I dont think I have ever got out and poked around with a stick, you send someone in first and find out what its like.

His main mistake here has been going out alone when he isnt familiar with the lane or laning in general.
And how would you assess a 3ft ford crossing? buy a wet suit :D

Not everyone has been on an experience day so wouldnt know that and in 5 years of laning I dont think I have ever got out and poked around with a stick, you send someone in first and find out what its like.

His main mistake here has been going out alone when he isnt familiar with the lane or laning in general.

Ask PaulD what it's like to be sent first.

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