
Well-Known Member

I took the battery off a year 2000 3 door Freelander the other day to charge and for the some reason the doors have locked and the keys are in the ignition !! Not got a spare key or key N° !

Any body help, by MP if you don't want to post up here otherwise is it a window job ?

Thanks in advance
Look at it this way.... If they rear window was bust you were going to have to fix it anyway :)
I would like to avoid busting glass if I can as getting a replacement here in rural France is going to be a pain in the botty !
any chance you could get under the car and just get a hand on the positive battery cable...then connect a jump lead to a battery positive terminal outside the car (assuming you can access a battery)...you can then connect the negative battery terminal to any earthed position on the car,,I did this many years ago .
any chance you could get under the car and just get a hand on the positive battery cable...then connect a jump lead to a battery positive terminal outside the car (assuming you can access a battery)...you can then connect the negative battery terminal to any earthed position on the car,,I did this many years ago .

I reckon if I took the engine cover off I could get up with a jump lead ! You think powering it up will open the doors ?
that's exactly what i meant....yes you would have to remove engine cover and assume positive is hanging down somewhat...I would say that when power is restored window solenoids could be disabled..from fob or is it key?
can yu get to the starter motor?
if so earth to the engine block and power to the batt side of the starter motor relay
Cut a wedge shaped bit of wood. Pull out the top of the passenger door and push the wedge in to hold the gap open. Use another bit of wood to pry the door further open if you need and keep pushing the wedge in until there is a 2 or 3cm gap. Use a bit of stiff fence wire with a hook on it to reach across and hook the drivers door handle.

This assumes its not "double locked" so the handle still operates the latch.
Probably a better idea to connect onto the started motor then - cheers "Mad un" Then I will try wedge door open and could try and get the keys out of the ignition if all else fails !

Thanks for all your help-will be on the case tomorrow morning !
Cut a wedge shaped bit of wood. Pull out the top of the passenger door and push the wedge in to hold the gap open. Use another bit of wood to pry the door further open if you need and keep pushing the wedge in until there is a 2 or 3cm gap. Use a bit of stiff fence wire with a hook on it to reach across and hook the drivers door handle.

This assumes its not "double locked" so the handle still operates the latch.
A RAC fella did that for me when my battery failed also having bandjacks drivers door lock didn't help. I rigged up a pull cord for my rear passenger door as an emergency until I bought a new lock and barrel and keyset.
Can't get to starter motor or battery !
Waiting for all the frost to melt to have a do at the door as I can't see tiddly squat !
Sorted ! Wedged top corner of door open with wooden wedges and managed to get the key out of the ignition with cup hook selotaped on to the end of a steel rod !

Conected the battery up and the other doors did'nt open !

Thanks for all your help !
I know of a way you can get into the car without going to great lengths or busting any windows but I would not want to leave it on here due to thief's.

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