I have in no way enjoyed tonights participation, I will contact a moderator and delete.
You might be able to contact a moderator, but you can't delete, and neither can they.
The forum does not have a way to delete accounts. You can not post, or not log in, but you cannot leave.
You can never leave!!!

I have in no way enjoyed tonights participation, I will contact a moderator and delete.
No you won't.
Maybe pull up yer big boy pants even if they are wet through and man up a bit. You dont want everyone on the internet thinking you are bit of a knob do you? I'm guessing you read the forum before joining and decided that you aint no cissy bitch and you could handle it, surely? Time to.shine, get on board and get amongst it.
Op, fit it your self. You will then know how it works and how to repair it when it breaks, cos it will if its not just for show. And owning a LR product gets very expensive if you get people to fix it for all the time, especially when it's not even broke.
According to your Forum Moderators can Delete, yes you are right I will just log out forever.

Before you "log out forever", take a second to play back what brought you to this forum in the first place - a google search on how to solve a problem you were having with your land rover perhaps? Yes this forum is quite unlike any other you may be used to, either in the hearty exchanges among members, and most importantly the wealth of knowledge readily on tap. It's all bantering, no offense intended..... so before you throw your beer into the faces of your new mates and storm out the pub, take a second to go take a whizz, clear your head and come back to the table.
Thank you for your advice, I had an email notification that a member wanted to hear the rest of my saga, which I have provided, also I am not quite sure how I uploaded a pic of the new car and it has multiplied to three ??
Hi, depends where in Lancs you are , if near southport or preston go to West Coast off Road centre, they are very nice people, or as others have suggested, look for the rescue groups and clubs, they might have a team member , or talk to the team at lr in liverpool, they have been very very good to me over the years, and often a phone call helps
By the way. The father (one garage) and son (the second garage in Bacup) are not there to take anyone’s pants down. Like all small businesses they attempt to do good work at very competitive prices so they can feed their families.
If you wanted someone local to give you a lift for tea and biscuits then you should have asked. Not dress the request up to cover up the fact your skint.
Don’t blame me you can’t afford to upgrade your shed. o_O
I appreciate that thankyou....I'm not after anything for free...Im not dressing anything up as u so kindly put it...and neither am I skint...I'm more than happy to pay a reasonable cost...the biscuits n tea come as standard...all I asked was for a little help from someone more experienced at this sort of things with the correct tools for the job..so unless u have anything pro active to say then don't assume
I appreciate that thankyou....I'm not after anything for free...Im not dressing anything up as u so kindly put it...and neither am I skint...I'm more than happy to pay a reasonable cost...the biscuits n tea come as standard...all I asked was for a little help from someone more experienced at this sort of things with the correct tools for the job..so unless u have anything pro active to say then don't assume
Most of us have been out for the day helping others. It’s not an issue. I’ve had some great fun helping others and have had help locally with my shed :D
Where in lancs are you.
with the quality of the videos I would have a go. The snorkel looks easier than the winch. The benefit of doing it yourself is you know how its done and how to fix it if it stops working. Quite important with a winch since help may not be available when you need it so fitting it and wiring is good prep for a real emergency.
I used to assess emergency plans ate one stage in my working life. I always had confidence in the ones that the guys had written themselves. They weren't so neat but you knew they understood what they had, the ones that had paid "experts" to write them could only answer basic questions, after that they were lost. A key question was always "is the guy who wrote it for you available in an emergency?". Going back to the winch I would be asking "when you are stuck fast and the winch won't go and there's no signal how to you get the guy who knows how its wired?" If you watch the Powerfuluk video of the winch install I have every confidence they could get that going if it stopped. If I paid a dealer and it stopped, no way could I work out that wiring.
I've got the bumper...not sure if Im gonna fit a winch or not tbh...I'm pretty sure the bumper will fit onto the original fittings..the snorkel fitting requires a little modifying to the air box which isn't hard looking at the videos etc but like I say..I haven't got the correct tools for the job,

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