
New Member
Hi new to the form, I have just bought my wife another freelander Td4 on an 06plate
just a few quick question
the engine sounds a little knocking/tappy then the last few we have had, and Ive taken a pipe off to have a look at it as it looked a little swollen the I would have thought it should ( maybe wrong) it the pipe at the front of the engine (front left) not to shore if it has some kind of sensor in it ( there is like a T peace with this sensor in it) maybe air flow sensor ??? well it had loads of oil in it, should this pipe have oil in it, and can anyone point me in the right direction to were the turbo is pic would help,,,, I was wondering if the could be any pipes blocked, but don't no where to look, and I'm not sure but when driving home with it last night when stood at a junction it sounded like the exhaust was blowing, but sometimes you can hear it but then you cant, just the loud knocking/tapping noise, could this be the flexi pipe, and if so how do I find out if it is, I have had a look and it looks OK, but I no you cant go on looks, please any advice on these point would help, thanks
These are complex engines with delicate electronics and control systems.

If you cannot identify and name a component you really shouldn't be disconnecting/inspecting it, expensive damage could follow.

When was the last documented full service?

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