
New Member
Hi. A couple of years ago i went through a ford which was about a foot deep. About 30mins later the engine management light came on and the accellerator pedel stopped working. The engine ticked over ok. So I turned the engine off and on again and it worked ok for a little while but i had to keep stopping and starting the engine 5 - 10 times to get home!

Anyway i took it in to be looked at and the fault was diagnosed as a faulty potentiometer (accellerator pedal to you and me!) They replaced it and all has been well. I thought it must have been a coincidence that i had just been through water. Until last night!

On the way home i had to go through another ford. Again it was only about a foot deep. This time the engine management light came on about a minute after. Thankfully i was only about a mile from home so i manged to use tick over and 1st and second to get me home. Stopping the engine and starting it again clears the fault for about 5 seconds but then the light comes back on and the pedel stops responding.

Obviously water is getting into something, somewhere. I spent an hour in the engine bay and under the landy last night but i couldn't see anywhere where water could effect the wiring loom for the accellerator and everything seemed dry. In fact most places had powdery dirt on them!:confused:

Anybody got any ideas or heard about this before?

Huge thanks in advance.



If you get the vehicle onto a diagnostic computer or get a multimeter out on the wiring, I rekon that you'll find the 5v feed to the throttle potentiometer is missing.
Cheers guys. So i suppose i need to check the loom that runs from the ecu under the drivers seat, along he chasis to the bulk head? Fingers crossed it will be obvious! I'll let you know.
Cheers guys. So i suppose i need to check the loom that runs from the ecu under the drivers seat, along he chasis to the bulk head? Fingers crossed it will be obvious! I'll let you know.

I think the wire also supplies the maf too.
Well. I spent two hours checking under the landy on Sunday and couldn't see anything untoward! No chaffing, no knicks or kinks, nothing!!

But it must have all dried out because it is driving perfectly now! So, so long as i stay away from water until it goes in for a service and MOT next month i should be ok. If McDonald's Landrover in Oswestry find anything i will let you know!

Thanks for your help.

Hi. I checked the snorkle and pipes today and where the pipe joins onto the bit that bolts to the wing there was a gap. Question: is there a sensor in the air intake that detects water and cuts the throttle to prevent damage to the engine?

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