
New Member
Hi All,
I am having a bit bother with a 1989 2.5TD engine, If its being ticking over a while, if I touch the throttle the engine runs off itself for a few seconds then come back to tickover, (takes my heart a little longer to get back to tickover), so it must be getting oil from somewhere, Ive checked air filter, its clean and dry, checked breathers ok, checked intake of turbo clean and dry but a couple of mm of sidewards movement so wondering whether to put a repair kit into turbo, pipe from turbo to inlet manifold I found a little oil resting in the bottom but not much, it has one wet injector and a little misfire every 5 seconds on tickover and when it runs off there is bucket fulls of smoke not black though more greyish. any points where to look will help as this is my first defender and dont know there little problems yet but I can find my way around an engine.
Thanks in advance George.
I have a horrble feeling it's strarting to run away on its own oil and it's on the way out. Oh how i love bringing good news!
intercooler mate dont run it clean the intercooler out because if it carrys on it will run itself flat out until it goes bang.
I have a horrble feeling it's strarting to run away on its own oil and it's on the way out. Oh how i love bringing good news!

I would of thought if it was runing away on oil from the sump bypassing the rings it wouldnt stop till sump dry or seized, plus it starts well even when left for a week over that cold spell we have just had, maby I should get hold of a compression tester and see what reading I have, plus its only done 161000, its barely run in :D
Regards George
might be a worn fuel pump , dribbling injector ? .
Movement in the turbo is normal as long as its not touching the sides ( turbos shafts float , for want of a better word , in pressurised oil ) .
It's running on the oil that is leaking past the turbo oil seal. At idle the turbo isn't doing much. As soon as the turbo cuts in that oil gets sucked in and it takes off. Simple get around is to put it into gear and let out the clutch and stand on the brakes to stall the engine. Happened to me lots of times, especially in the queue out of Legoland :D
Best fix is upgrade to a 200Tdi.:)
I would of thought if it was runing away on oil from the sump bypassing the rings it wouldnt stop till sump dry or seized, plus it starts well even when left for a week over that cold spell we have just had, maby I should get hold of a compression tester and see what reading I have, plus its only done 161000, its barely run in :D
Regards George

i hate to tell you but 161000 on a TD is good going, they normally start splitting rings at around 140000

does it blow through the oil filler cap ?

a compression test is a good start - practise stalling it as sooner or later it's going to try and run away untill it kills itself
If the engine does start to "run away" the immediate action is BRAKES BRAKES BRAKES!!


Just STOP the car and the engine IN GEAR .... whatever gear it was , the higher the better.

If you do not keep the car IN GEAR and STOP the engine IN GEAR it will almost certainly destroy itself by over-revving, and a 2.5TD at 8,000 rpm won't last more than seconds.

The 2.5 TD is especially fast to do this as the turbo outlet is straight above and into the inlet manifold.

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Thanks for the replys guys, I am trying to source a compression tester to see whats what, and if the figures are ok will put a turbo repair kit in, but if the compression is all over the place then looks like its a 200tdi sooner than I thought, I have not messed with the engine as I have had a mare of a job getting the brakes to work and are still not 100% and when a diesel runs away you need breaks :D. I just need it through its MOT then I can Run it and sell the little rover 25 I have to release some funds for I was hoping for mods but at this rate it looks like a new engine:mad:.
Regards George
Well ive bit the bullet and bought a 200 tdi engine, so I will be changing it easter weekend, again thanks for the help.
Regards George
Had same problem with my old engine got new turbo off ebay £70 ran ok still did when i swaped it for 300tdi
Had same problem with my old engine got new turbo off ebay £70 ran ok still did when i swaped it for 300tdi

I disconected the turbo pipe the other night and ran it, once warm it took off again and it took me 30 seconds of squeezing the life out of the turbo pipe i left conected for that reason on the inlet manifold side, thats when I decided the engine was going to have to be replaced.
Regards George

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