Hi Guys,

I hope this is ok to ask here? @admin if not please let me know!

As a side project, I've been building a 3d model of a Land Rover (Currently my own 110 hcpu) with the intention of making all different versions at some point to swap in/out parts on etc.

I have one problem currently and that is in my HCPU there is wood bolted to the inside of the tub. So there are a couple of bits I can't see. Does anyone have or could take a few pictures of the tub inside? Specifically around the tailgate ends where it meets in the corners. I can't find decent images online to base the model off of.

Images attached for reference! I've circled the area I can't figure out.

Thanks in advance


  • example.png
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  • example_2.png
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Thanks. Decent accurate Landy models are few and far between so I decided to make my own. Hoping to 'share' it in some form at some point, but it's nowhere near ready yet.
Thanks. Decent accurate Landy models are few and far between so I decided to make my own. Hoping to 'share' it in some form at some point, but it's nowhere near ready yet.
@Hicap phill will probably be able to help. However bear in mind that any hicap that has has been used is likely to have a fairly battered rear tub (no judgment of @HiCapphills land rover intended!)
@dag019 Thanks for the heads up. Dented or not is fine, its more about how the panels 'join' at the seams etc. I've got most of it done now, but that inner tailgate corner where it meets the floor I cant seem to get any decent images of!

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