
Active Member
This last year we have been restoring my series 2a she is currently in Devon 75% done. However the fella that was doing the work for me and with me has had a very serious accident with a can of thinners and a fire and is now in hospital with 55% burns. He was airlifted to hospital and will not be out for 5/6 months I don't want him to worry about my job.
I am based in Monmouth Wales Landy is in Devon near Crediton. A couple of us are going down on the 8 & 9th of December to try and put her back together so I can bring her home.
If any one could come lend a hand that would be awesome there will be lots of tea and donuts.
You can see the condition she is in from this thread.
Any help would really be appreciated and I know its a big ask.
Looks stunning, mate. Still loads to do judging from the pics in that thread, unless a lot has been done since last update. Are you putting it on a trailer to get it home? Sadly, I'm too far away.
Hire a van and trailer combo, forget putting it together, even the smallest task will take hours while you look for the bolts etc. Good luck. If you can't trailer it there's plenty of services who can and hire a van for the parts maybe.

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