
New Member
hi guys, rebuilding the series 3 and just starting to put the cab together and in place but i seem to have an issue with it fitting.

I have bought the cab rail which fills in the gap between the seat back and the cab but the whole thing seems to tilt forward...When you level it up the gap at the sides is about 1cm ..

Do you still used the galv strip that rivets on the seat back panel or does it sit on top..Will try to post some pictures but anyone with a 88ins pickup if they could look at theirs and let me know.

Many thanks in advance

I think so, the filler seems to fit perfect but when you put the rear cab on it tilts forwards creating a gap,

i have the Haynes restoration manual and also the haynes manual for the car but these are not much help.

I will take some pics tomorrow as i have just got in from work and am knackered...

The filler bar has the raised lobes facing up if that makes sense

If the lobes are upwards, then its up the right way, so that's OK. if it's tilting the cab forward, then summat must be binding, as the strip sits on top of the tub, and the rear bulkhead. it literally is just a strip to fill the gap - there isn't really owt that can go wrong with it....... great job finding one - they're like rocking horse poo ! Does this help ?

HA I just thought mine fitted together badly, I appear to have no strip at all and a big draughty gap that's currently full of pipe lagging. In fact there's a few things in that pic that mine doesn't have...
Yes the windscreen is set at the right angle as it all aligns up at the front...

Looks like i am missing number 6, which i assume is a packer strip or rubber of some kind.

Any ideas where i could get one from? or an improvised version.

Many thanks for the replies

cheers john
Thats a rubber seal dude. hang on i'll find you the part number...

Here ya go. 333486 - you should be able to get it easily enough ;)

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