
New Member
Right guys

i am about to lose the plot with my disco 1 300tdi. Went to work monday all fine kicked up drove to work come to it after i finished work nothing at all.all dash lights no kick from stater. anyway after messing about for a bit it started to turn over like its got a flat battery .... ticking nose. anyway thought no problem got a new starter and still doing the same thing like its being lazy put slowly turning like its every so often engageing.

things i have checked and all ok

alternator showing 14.3v
battery good under load also
cleaned all earths
changed fuse box under bonnet
changed realys in passenger foot well
and also used jump leads from battery to engine to use at a better earth still the same

any ideas ??
bendix sticking or ya batteries fooked.

When ya say "ok under load" have you tried switching everything on and checking that alt still pushes out a decent voltage? and that batttery level doesn't drop off???
ddont like to say it but take the glow plugs out insulate the wire and spin it over have had water seppage through heag gasket into bore hydroliclocking the engine or have you tow started it
right guys bit of a update

if i take the black wire of the starter solinoid and but my own new wire from the solinoid to the battery with the ign on its kicks up no problem everytime.. if i put the orginal black wire from the loom back on the solinoid it plays up like its a flat battery just clicking ? any ideas ?
just to add to the above my immobiliser light is very dim also put still on... i got a feeling this is the problem. is there anyway round this or can i pull the immobiliser box out in some way ?

any pics on how to bypass this would be helpfull

just to add to the above my immobiliser light is very dim also put still on... i got a feeling this is the problem. is there anyway round this or can i pull the immobiliser box out in some way ?

any pics on how to bypass this would be helpfull


To bypass the immobiliser you need a "Spider bypass" plug from LR they only cost about a £5-er
you can wire fuel pump solenoid and starter solenoid using 2 of the 3 wires that run from ignition switch to fuse box ,if you use scotch locks you can remove the bypass without damaging wiring when ready to fix or remove immobiliser ,white/red to starter yellow to pump
ok as a temp fix for the time being where do i take my new wire from the starter to ?? ( sorry not very good with electrics? any pics to where it needs to go ?
? you open panel under steering wheel slit insulation on the loom with 3 wires from switch to top of fuse box then scotchlock the 2 wires one to starter solenoid other to pump ,it just gets it running i do quite a few while waiting for parts to fix
? you open panel under steering wheel slit insulation on the loom with 3 wires from switch to top of fuse box then scotchlock the 2 wires one to starter solenoid other to pump ,it just gets it running i do quite a few while waiting for parts to fix

I tend to strip the wire back a touch and solder em when I bypass them.
just get 2 good lengths one to go on starter solenoid and other to injection pump solenoid ,leave existing tied up near ,as said scotch lock into white/red to starter yellow for pump ,on 3 wire loom hanging from switch to fues box
And......................Now watch out for new threads saying my Discovery has been nicked, but can't understand why as it had an imobiliser fitted!!!;)

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