
Hi everyone. Ive been using the forum for a while now for some great info but time has come i need to ask.
I have a D1 300tdi and am a fairly capable mechanic. I have this noise though that is getting on my nerves i cant find it. Much worse when cold. Seems to quieten when warm.
Its an off beat ticking noise. Does seem to relate to engine speed but comes and goes and is not constant.
The most frustrating bit is it does not do it if your stationary and lift the bonnet to take a look. Revving it or anything will not make a noise when stationary.

Ive sofar done head gasket, exhaust gasket, vac pump, lift pump, power steering pump, injector seals.
Ive swapped out injectors for a spare set, same with the injector pump, push rods, rocker arms as a set - noise persists.
i have also checked and double checked the crank timing, pump timing, valve gaps and caps etc.

wondering now if it could be clutch springs or transmission tx box somewhere

I am lost and help much appreciated

Welcome to the dribbling nose and congestion section. Best seeking the truth to your plight on the discovery section. This is mainly for Hello and the odd fart. I'll fetch Landy to take you there.

Can you take this young chap to the discovery section.
hello and welcome :)
Make your request for help in the correct forum and you will be helped no doubt ;).
If you stay or post in "anything goes" section i hope you have skin thicker than a crocodile :):D:D

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