Hi , the other woman in my life has started running like a bag of bolts and im a bit stumped.( she (KATY) is my 2003 03 plate freelander 3 door kalahari td4 ) it started about a week ago, i was in hastings and came out to katy , started her up and she sounded like a petrol firing on 3 ish cylinders, but when she warmed up it nearly ran ok. but by the time we got back to hull she was running rough all the time, so first thind i put 2 bottles of injection cleaner through her and changed the fuel filter. ( only done 6000 miles ago ) , to no avail. so after checking on landyzone i then changed the maf sensor and bingo that seemed to do the trick, ish.. now she seems to run ok most of the time but the odd time she drops to idle and she sits at approx 700 rpm and seems to tick over a bit rough, also now when you floor it i get a bit of a turbo whistle which i never had before , although she seems to go like stink now !!. any ideas ??