
Active Member
Long Time Ladies and Gents! I trust I greet you all well!
Someone just may have an Inkling of what may have occurred
My Disco 200 auto will not change gear it has done this a few times before but sorted its self out once I engaged low range and change back into High.
It drove ok for 20 miles then stood still with engine running for about an hour.
Then it got stuck in 1st gear( got reverse) hi and low and diff lock.
AA came and checked fluid he reckoned it was empty, and put the best part of 1 ½ litres fluid down the dipper pipe. Needless to say truck came home on the back of a big yellow taxi a few hours later.

Also the high and low range selector is missing its rubber boot and fills with water does anyone know the part number so I can fit one.

So you don’t know either then?
Thanks any way newbie

Brilliant. :D

Id say a pm to mr jamesmartin or a post in the relevant marque section might return better results, hey newbie? :D snigger :D

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