
New Member
Hi, I'm Rob, I live in North Manchester and I've just bought myself a 2005 Freelander Adventurer. I'd never set foot in any kind of Land Rover until a few weeks ago but have been converted. It's a step up (literally) from the MX5 I had previously and I'm looking forward to winter now!

My first plans are to fit a double din head unit for GPS capabilities mainly and will no doubt spend the next few months buying lots of unnecesary 'add ons' for the car.

So... hi.
Hi, I'm Rob, I live in North Manchester and I've just bought myself a 2005 Freelander Adventurer. I'd never set foot in any kind of Land Rover until a few weeks ago but have been converted. It's a step up (literally) from the MX5 I had previously and I'm looking forward to winter now!

My first plans are to fit a double din head unit for GPS capabilities mainly and will no doubt spend the next few months buying lots of unnecesary 'add ons' for the car.

So... hi.


Depends what yer gonna do in it ( That really is, in it not INIT cos I'm not down in the hoood K?) :D

Oh and for feck sake learn how to drive it on ice/in the snow somewhere safe before going out on the road thinking hey look at me I'm in a 4x4. Forget that but please record your fisrt snowy/icy road trip and post it on here ta :D we love's a good larff :rofl:



Depends what yer gonna do in it ( That really is, in it not INIT cos I'm not down in the hoood K?) :D

Oh and for feck sake learn how to drive it on ice/in the snow somewhere safe before going out on the road thinking hey look at me I'm in a 4x4. Forget that but please record your fisrt snowy/icy road trip and post it on here ta :D we love's a good larff :rofl:



Mainly what I'm going to do is get from A to B and not be stuck fitting snow socks all winter like I was in the Mazda. It's quite hilly and rural when I live / work.
Don't worry too much about my driving (unless you live near me in which case I can always find you), I've raced at a couple of tracks in single seaters / saloon cars, driven tractor trailers and have had circuit skidpan training before now so I'm not that likely to overjudge my abilities. I have in car video so you'll be the first, no.... second, to know if I roll it.

As for unneccesary I'm thinking running boards, spare wheel cover, that kind of not really needed stuff that I tend to waste money on.
Mainly what I'm going to do is get from A to B and not be stuck fitting snow socks all winter like I was in the Mazda. It's quite hilly and rural when I live / work.
Don't worry too much about my driving (unless you live near me in which case I can always find you), I've raced at a couple of tracks in single seaters / saloon cars, driven tractor trailers and have had circuit skidpan training before now so I'm not that likely to overjudge my abilities. I have in car video so you'll be the first, no.... second, to know if I roll it.

As for unneccesary I'm thinking running boards, spare wheel cover, that kind of not really needed stuff that I tend to waste money on.

Cool :D

You do realise though that four wheel drive although giving you twice the chance of finding grip wont help if there's no grip to be had, and if you have road biased summer tyres..... well, just dont throw away them snow socks ;)
Definitely don't throw the snow socks away lol
And chuck a shovel and a bag of sand in the back'll need to lend it to the person towing your freelander up the hill to get extra traction :D
Welcome to the mad house.......if in doubt there's a search button at the top, and brace yourself if you venture into anything goes :D:D
Welcome to the mad house.......if in doubt there's a search button at the top, and brace yourself if you venture into anything goes :D:D

Can't think what you could possibly mean, everyone is always really polite to Gaylander drivers in AG :D:D

Welcome to the mad house fella;)
I'm already glad I joined :)
I know I haven't bought myself a get out of snow free card but I stand a better chance of getting home over the hill than I did in an mx5!
Good point about the winter tyres, will look into that.
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