Welcome matey, I'm a newbie too, forget about the bad replies, there are a minority of dick heads everywhere in life.
Would it not be easier/cheaper to import from another country?
I understand there are demobbed 90's in Canada, Greenland, Oz, NZ, and some of the Caribbean Islands.
Welcome matey, I'm a newbie too, forget about the bad replies, there are a minority of dick heads everywhere in life.
Would it not be easier/cheaper to import from another country?
I understand there are demobbed 90's in Canada, Greenland, Oz, NZ, and some of the Caribbean Islands.

Thunderstruck: There is only ! way to get a Defender into the USA and I posted that on the 5th post this in this thread. This is the only way. I have checked.

And where are you from?? and where do you get off calling us dick heads?????:mad::mad::mad:
Its the way he came on here I Am A MAJOR who cares, but that is typical military officer of the Army/Marines they a taught they are the best yuuHaa. But you do not go off the base and do that ****, because it dosen't carry any weight.
:welcome2: ... nobody receives special treatment on here ... there would be a 'major' disaster if they did ;)

Enjoy the banter and put the gun down! :5bpatriot:
Thunderstruck: There is only ! way to get a Defender into the USA and I posted that on the 5th post this in this thread. This is the only way. I have checked.

And where are you from?? and where do you get off calling us dick heads?????:mad::mad::mad:
Its the way he came on here I Am A MAJOR who cares, but that is typical military officer of the Army/Marines they a taught they are the best yuuHaa. But you do not go off the base and do that ****, because it dosen't carry any weight.

:scratching_chin: why is it that our yanks are all hiding their locations with funny comments or vague misdirection? Bit like using human shields neh? :D

Joe, :welcome2: and as already advised, don't take it personally but also don't expect special treatment and you'll be fine. So what did you particularly liked about the MOD '90s?
Because it's become apparent that there is a negative predisposition by some here towards those of the septic persuasion. I eliminated my location to avoid that variable in future discourse. That way the **** taking stays real and sincere and uncluttered by harmful bigotries.;)
Because it's become apparent that there is a negative predisposition by some here towards those of the septic persuasion. I eliminated my location to avoid that variable in future discourse. That way the **** taking stays real and sincere and uncluttered by harmful bigotries.;)

O so true:mil79::mil79::mil79::5bhurray::5bhurray::5bhurray::5biamwithstupid::5biagree:
Well, what a British sterling welcome you've received Major! These warm and fuzzy critters at the LZ are really quite adorable once you've grown accustomed to them.

There are many deep thinkers here (I ain't one of them) but it's my guess the surly attitude comes from the fact that they are a bit miffed at themselves for having to rely on their inbred cousins, the Yanks, to haul their arses from the fire more than once.

Not to mention loosing the little tiff we had way back when.

Stay frosty, let it slide off you like water on a ducks back, give as you get, and:welcome2: There is not a better place on the interwebz for Landy info.

Take it you mean the war of independance. Now now behave, the Brits were just a little outnumbered. The king at the time being a total fruit cake didn't help. Anyway last time the Briish army and the American army faced each other the yanks got a serious kicking. I take it you are unaware of why the Whitehouse is painted white. And i am not as much of a Brit as you might think. Just quoting facts.:):):)
Take it you mean the war of independance. Now now behave, the Brits were just a little outnumbered. The king at the time being a total fruit cake didn't help. Anyway last time the Briish army and the American army faced each other the yanks got a serious kicking. I take it you are unaware of why the Whitehouse is painted white. And i am not as much of a Brit as you might think. Just quoting facts.:):):)
HEHE:p The White House was first painted with a white wash in 1798 to protect the limestone from the elements of rain to keep moisture from migrating through the stone. After 1814 and the rebuilding of it that was also painted white. So not totally true as legends go. Just did a search for the facts Wammers
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HEHE:p The White House was first painted with a white wash in 1798 to protect the limestone from the elements of rain to keep moisture from migrating through the stone. After 1814 and the rebuilding of it that was also painted white. So not totally true as legends go. Just did a search for the facts Wammers

So it is totally untrue that the US army moved into Canada whilst they thought the Brits back was turned fighting the frogs. Then were chased out by the British army with their tails between their legs, who then set the Whithouse alight and burned it down, it was rebuilt and repainted to cover the burn marks. Is that incorrect?:p:p
So it is totally untrue that the US army moved into Canada whilst they thought the Brits back was turned fighting the frogs. Then were chased out by the British army with their tails between their legs, who then set the Whithouse alight and burned it down, it was rebuilt and repainted to cover the burn marks. Is that incorrect?:p:p
The interior of the white house burned The sand stone of which it was built still stood. But the first time it was painted white was1798. and was again painted white after the rebuild (1815 -1817) to cover smoke marks. Mostly true but not all, as why is the white house white.:p
I get the feeling Wammers doesn't like anyone.

I'm beginning to warm to him.

Naah not true, i love everybody. John knows why i have nothing against the Yanks in general or him in particular. But a comment that the Brits feel peeved about losing some fight a long time ago does need answering. Your only as good as your last result. Last result was Brits won Yanks lost. Simples. :):):)
The interior of the white house burned The sand stone of which it was built still stood. But the first time it was painted white was1798. and was again painted white after the rebuild (1815 -1817) to cover smoke marks. Mostly true but not all, as why is the white house white.:p

Yeah will live with that. PAX. :):)
Naah not true, i love everybody. John knows why i have nothing against the Yanks in general or him in particular. But a comment that the Brits feel peeved about losing some fight a long time ago does need answering. Your only as good as your last result. Last result was Brits won Yanks lost. Simples. :):):)

Yes Wammers is ok and yes we have a secert:p And a good history in this is good for all, but the Brits did give up at Fort Henry and sailed home so in all it was a draw. But if one thing had changed things would be different. It was a rocket bomb that failed to explode in the magazine/powder room as one went through roof but did not explode which saved the Fort and cost the Brits a victory. ( British equipment failure) Wammers and I have a very good relation ship and we respect each other:rolleyes::rolleyes::p:lvkiss-106:Just for you Wammers:eek::eek:

PS i respect my elders
Yes Wammers is ok and yes we have a secert:p And a good history in this is good for all, but the Brits did give up at Fort Henry and sailed home so in all it was a draw. But if one thing had changed things would be different. It was a rocket bomb that failed to explode in the magazine/powder room as one went through roof but did not explode which saved the Fort and cost the Brits a victory. ( British equipment failure) Wammers and I have a very good relation ship and we respect each other:rolleyes::rolleyes::p:lvkiss-106:Just for you Wammers:eek::eek:

PS i respect my elders

So British equipement failure cost them the war. It is indeed fortunate that there was no US equipement failure in around May/June 1945. :p:p:p
So British equipement failure cost them the war. It is indeed fortunate that there was no US equipement failure in around May/June 1945. :p:p:p
Now you picked a new topic. I /we were talking about 1812. It is amazing how just one thing could of changed world history as we know it now
Now you picked a new topic. I /we were talking about 1812. It is amazing how just one thing could of changed world history as we know it now

Naah John don't think so. Maybe for short time, but it goes back to the war of independance. The Brits had i think about 18,000 troops over there to police a country as big as that, it was never going to happen. Maybe the colonists would have lost that one, if it had not been for Spain, Holland and those smelly Frogs sticking their beaks in. Think sense prevailed in 1814. Maybe, well almost certainly, the whole British army could have beaten the Americans then. But they were fighting the Frogs as well, it was never on the cards that they would commit the forces needed to put the Americans down. It would have been a massive undertaking, if they had tried it, we over here would now be speaking German or Russian. Because the Frogs would have invaded Britain in 1816 and surrendered straight away in 1939/40. :D:D:D
:D Ha ha, could've beaten 'em with a small stick standing on one leg :D,

Meanwhile..........the Major is still M.I.A. :confused:

Brigadier Mad Git K.F.C.

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