
New Member
my p38 sits a little high at the rear, in low setting rear is 840mm both sides but front is set at 800/810, previous owner used his laptop to lift it for asthetics, and to clear 20" wheels, which have now gone (praise the lord ebay)
can anyone suggest someone in staffordshire who could put my levels right, i do hav a lead, but no lap top, an i aint very computer savvy
check out symlise on ebay hes in rugley always use him
theirs not much he dont know or cant sort
Ok ther is THE RANGE ROVER PLACE in Hanley Nooooooooooooooooo
But also there is a small 4x4 garage Landrover services 492 king street fenton....01782 342379.I have used them before to clear faults(so they have a comp) cheeper than HANLEY?????

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