My S3 lightweight has got a tandem master cylinder and servo fitted.... and a 2.25diesel. No linkage or vac.tank but butterfly manifold. The Pug 205 vacume pump mod is an option but wot about a single circuit brakes swop.? A photo of the Pug pump fitted would be handy...
nahg!! still dint get it, try using more words and then get yer mum to check it fer you before you post it
just fitted the following to my mk 1 disco 92 2.5 tdi manual.
2 front discs/
copper brake pipes and fittings/
brake pads/
4xshock absorbers/
2xshock absorber turret rings/

NOW! my brakes are crap?, bleed till i used enough fluid to run a battleship.
pedal goes half way down (with slow creep)then stops rock solid?,
pump and they come up and are ultra efficient,

fitted a brake servo check valve?
and servo service kit,

this all means i am scared now to drive the thing in case they fail
and especially when i take my grand children in the thing

only things i havnt changed are: 1/complete servo replacement
2/ vacum pump service kit/ and or/ replacement

can anyone help please

frustrated grandad

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