The DJ

New Member
I have a 53plate td4 AUTO Kalahari gaylander.

And here are my questions for anyone to please answer as I have hunted on the site but am not completely convinced I have found the right answers

The heater control with its 3 knobs on, on the direction knob there is a switch just to the right of the direction to the foot well (I guess a little micro switch that is actuated by the turning of the knob)

From what I can tell this engages and disengages the clutch of the compressor of the air conditioning unit...(note that at no time have I touched the air con switch and it is in the off position)

Now this assumption is from the fact that I have had the alternator off and at the moment don’t have the inner wheel arch in so can see the bottom/front most pulley which engages and disengages when the knob is to the right and left of this switch point respectively

Is this the compressor and if so why does is engage?


The temperature knob has a similar switching arrangement just to the side of vertical and when this goes across, there is a definite change in the engine note as though a large electrical load has been engaged. (at tick over the display on the radio dims momentarily)

Is this the switching on of a ceramic (electrical) heater that I have read about In other posts? Or something else?(and hence what)

I read that this heater is to warm up the water in the coolant system so that the engine is up to temperature quicker but is it also to warm the cab up too? And does it go off ever?


The Fuel burning heater that I have read about, how do I know if I have one? Where is it physically? I have heard strange noises behind the heater controls in the past after the ignition has been switched off but I don’t recall it being very cold when I really paid any attention to them.

But then the car is showing almost up to temperature within 1.5 miles of leaving the house, and there is heat coming out the vents.

But if I do have one it may not work and I’d like to get it going.

I believe it is around the front passenger wheel, but where exactly? Is it behind the bumper as I have had that off but not seen anything strange lurking there but then again I was not looking for a heater?

I have tried to find these answers in Haynes but my book only goes to 2002. And I have had a good look around, quite a few times.

I was originally going to put a switch inline with the one that I believe engages/disengages the compressor clutch so that I didn’t engage at all (to save a bit of fuel) but now it looks like a bit more of a strange carry on.


If anyone can answer these questions I’d greatly appreciate it (sucking up big time) and any thing that I can help with I’ll return the favors.

praise the lord, at last someone with the same query as me, just been pondering how to ask. The micro switch on my vent direction control clicks when it goes to the screen position. I assumed this turns the air-con compressor on, to aid de-misting

Exactly the same with the temperature control, a small click from when it is turned past 3/4 clockwise. Not sure what it does though, but get exactly the same change in engine note as if a large electrical load is turned on.
ha ha. handbook reveals all.

Page 73, Point 7 "Air Distribution Control"
Air to foot outlets and windscreen (if the ambient temperature is approximately 5 deg c (41 deg f) or higher, the air conditioning (if fitted) will automatically dehumidfy the air to reduce misting)
All air to windscreen (if the ambient temperature is approximately 5 deg c (41 deg f) or higher, the air conditioning (if fitted) will automatically dehumidfy the air to reduce misting)

Page 74, "Ceramic Heater*"
To assist the warming up of the vehicle interior, a ceramic heater may befitted. The heater provides additional assistance with the initial warm up period. The ceramic heater automatically operates when the blower is set to position '1' or above, and the temperature control is set to the red zone

Page 75 "Using the air conditioning"
NOTE: The air conditioner wil automatically operate when the air distribution control is set to 'All air to windscreen' or 'Air to foot outlets and windscreen'

Thank goodness for andytd4auto to show us the way and suggest looking in the manual.

As for dealer, I feel a touch of the old "bit of an old model now sir, can we interest you in giving you a **** poor trade in price against a vastly overpriced showroom model", "No, I want you to help me with the one I've got, because, actually, although it is 4 years old, I'm rather attached to it, and can't really afford to replace it, and anyway, you don't have the freelander 2 available in commercial versions yet, so it's no good to me.","I see sir. However bit of an old model now sir, can we interest you in giving you a **** poor trade in price against a vastly overpriced showroom model" and so on.
I have been on tho the Rage CD and it Looks like I have a PTC and not a FBH
and as the man before said... The AC is on when the air goes to the screen.. shame the book I have is for the wrong model

Also Why dont they do a 3 door freelander 2

and why cant they do one with a roof that comes off??

(yes I know the boot is hindged at the top but how about it goes to the side... maybe with a wheel on it????:p )

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