Hi All,

When I got my Disco the heater wasnt working, after lots of reading up I drained the coolant system and after refilling managed to get a bit of heat! The water pump then decided to start squeeking! Bought some stuff to put into coolant to stop that and then after a while the heating packed up again!! I have been looking at previous threads and found one that said about replacing the bleed screw on top of the thermostat and radiator with an 1/2" radiator air vent, can I bleed the system whilst its hot? Will this get rid of any air locks?? I feel sure that that is the problem, but the expansion tank is always seems to be at the right level when I check it 1st thing in the morning.

Any ideas?
Hi All,

When I got my Disco the heater wasnt working, after lots of reading up I drained the coolant system and after refilling managed to get a bit of heat! The water pump then decided to start squeeking! Bought some stuff to put into coolant to stop that and then after a while the heating packed up again!! I have been looking at previous threads and found one that said about replacing the bleed screw on top of the thermostat and radiator with an 1/2" radiator air vent, can I bleed the system whilst its hot? Will this get rid of any air locks?? I feel sure that that is the problem, but the expansion tank is always seems to be at the right level when I check it 1st thing in the morning.

Any ideas?
Hi Ian had the same problem I replacedthe plastic bung on the Tstat housing with radiator bleed bung I ran the car for 5 mins the stoped it took the bung out top it up with coolant only took a 1/4 of a coffee cup full replaced the bung, pumped the rubber hose that feeds the water pump ran the car again for a few mins topped up again repeated this a few times then ran the engine till hot and made sure both the feed and return matrix hoses got hot they did and now have a good hot blower hope this help also make sure the raidiator top hose is still cold as it could be a tstat problem all the best with it re Alistair
Have you tried flushing the heater matrix ? .

How do I do that?

I've also replaced the Tstat. Also ran the engine with the expansion tank cap off, fluid has gone down a bit , but not much. The inlet and outlet pipes of the heater matrix do get hot. Also the hose from the top of the rad to the Tstat housing is either warm or hot all the time. Is this right??
Off to buy a radiator bleed valve to replace the Tstat housing one.
ermmmm before you start pulling things apart - check that the fan is working, if it's not your heater matrix could be red hot but you'd not be getting much cabin heat - also check that the physical route for the hot air from the matrix to the cabin is intact
the stuff you put in the coolant to stop the waterpump squeeling was just a water soluble oil, great stuff for disguising the fact that there is a problem with the water pump. change the water pump and you should get better flow through the system which should give you your heaters back, and while your at it flush the cooling systen to get rid of all the crap you have poured into it;)
Thanks for all your help folks! I 've got the radiator bleed valve, I have got a water pump coming from paddocks, so am going to wait 'til it arrives, flush the whole system and heater matrix. Refill and keep my fingers crossed!! :rolleyes::biggrin1:

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