I have never used or thought of an HUD display. it was my son who mentioned the device as it is fitted to the driving instructors car.! I used it for the first time yesterday, its magic.it is in no way a distraction and is visible all the time.as for the "experts" comments. it was not a discussion I was merely informing members of something I had done that may be of interest. If it is, good, if not I am not concerned. it seems that if you dont like it ,its wrong, as with most things nowadays.
Be interesting to see what an insurance company would say in the vent of a collision.
It's not a case of not liking, I have seen HUD in aircraft and it can be very good, the question is the legality.
Be interesting to see what an insurance company would say in the vent of a collision.
It's not a case of not liking, I have seen HUD in aircraft and it can be very good, the question is the legality.
Personally I can see the advantage of having one fitted so the display is on the passengers side i.e. the driving instructors, but I must agree with @wammers and @Datatek . So make that three old buggers ;):D.
I am pleased I have caused so much interest, but opinions are like a******s everyone has one. And the display is on the drivers side not passenger.
Be interesting to see what an insurance company would say in the vent of a collision.
It's not a case of not liking, I have seen HUD in aircraft and it can be very good, the question is the legality.

Yes but an HUD in an aircraft is quite different there is nothing like as many things to run into at 25,000 feet.
no argument there but a slight deviation at mach 2 is probably similar to swerving at 40mph

You don't make large deviations at Mach 2 unless you want to be on a parachute with bits falling down beside you. :D
Ahh, but wammers would have a how-to in technical and Data would have a cable or something to mend it.

It'd be grand.;)
It will be yet another reason why 'modern' cars get scrapped when some electrical item that the manufacturer thinks we can't live without goes tits up.

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