
New Member
:doh::doh:being new to landrovers and thick as **** !! does anyone have a drawing or info on where all them little bits in a head gasket set belong i know the big one is the head gasket before i get the p taken ! its a series 3 diesel 2.25 standard engine a pic or diagram would be best as i can't be bothered reading long winded instructions
Don't mean to be rude but if you don't know your way around a head set
Why are you doing the job yourself ?
You get it wrong then it's bye bye valves and hello big bill
Where are you ? I'm sure somebody local will help you out for a few beer tokens
Ah give him a break. I had to post a similar question too. My head set has about 20 odd extra copper washers (for diesel even though its a petrol gasket set) crank gasket cork bits and loads of other stuff that I've no idea what they're for. I posted a question but didn't get a comprehensive answer - there probably isn't one.

There's probably a **** load of stuff in there that won't match your model so don't stress too much about it - I'm not. I know you said you don't like reading but I would download the PDFs of the Land Rover workshop manual and read through the relevant bits before you start and print them out to refer to. They're not overly wordy and have decent sketches of the relevant bits.

well chaps seems a common thing with these head sets as little bits have been added to these kits over the years even the local landy specialist don't know why some of the bits are even included ! i've been in touch with a guy from the manufacturer who says although no instruction diagram is included they do hold diagrams showing where the parts go and hes gonna send them to me i'll try and post these when i get them thanks for replies so far any more info on this might be helpful to others in same situation as i along with many of you will have loads of these little bits in your sheds and garages:argue:
When I rebuilt my diesel, I had the same dilemma..I always keep track of what comes out and where, but I still didn't find a home for loads of the copper rings. You will find some of them fit the injectors.
I still have a bag of copper rings/seals and a few O rings, but the engine runs perfect, with NO leaks, so I must have done something right..:D
If you ain't got bits left over at the end, you ain't done a proper job!! :D :D :D

Ha ha, back when I was a yoof, I always had washers left over for some reason, :confused: Now I don't seem to have enough, :confused: except with Land Rover head gaskets it seems. :confused: :D

Maybe they do it on purpose................................

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