
New Member
So I will never fully appreciate the way some of you feel about your landrovers because I see a car as a means of getting about rather than something you buy snorkels and chrome knobs for!

I NEED HELP PLEASE...My boyfriend has a Defender 90 TD5 which he has had for the past year although it has been in the garage more than it has been driven. This morning he phoned as he was taking the children to school that once again, it has cut out whilst going along. It doesnt give us any notice, it just stops, which I feel is obviously pretty dangerous.

He has had a new fuel pump, which for the past 2 months, has worked fine. The last two weeks, he had problems starting it so it was booked into the garage again for a week. It supposedly is ok but was advised to turn the ignition on, leave for a while, turn it off and then back on. He did this and it seemed to work (although the fuel pump is still noisy). Now it has started cutting out again.

Is there a thread on here that I can read and get some advice or is there anyone out there that has the same problem. It is his dream car and wants to keep it. I say we need something which is a bit more reliable but he just wont see it. Please help! Thanks in advance. It would be great to give him some advice though he probably wouldnt listen as im just a woman and dont know anything about cars.

Unreliable x
:welcome: to the Looneyzone. Hope yu gorra thick skin;)

crikey - thats a lot of bedtime reading:eek:.

pst - anyone gorra chrome knob?:rolleyes:
So I will never fully appreciate the way some of you feel about your landrovers because I see a car as a means of getting about rather than something you buy snorkels and chrome knobs for!

But then clothes are something to keep you warm & dry, as for shoes....
Look for a Tidy 300 TDI Non Lecky model put the extra money towards a uprated intercooler and VNT from a Puma and have a very reliable dream land rover
unreliable.. you are never ever gonna get us to agree with you about getting rid.. but there will be help with the problem.. try another post giving as much info as possible about the symptoms, the history and what dealers / garages have said etc. be prepared for some banter / ribbing cos that's what this place is like and keep coming back with questions and answers for the guys in here.. they will get your landy reliable again - or as reliable as any car can be anyway - good luck...
unreliable.. you are never ever gonna get us to agree with you about getting rid.. but there will be help with the problem.. try another post giving as much info as possible about the symptoms, the history and what dealers / garages have said etc. be prepared for some banter / ribbing cos that's what this place is like and keep coming back with questions and answers for the guys in here.. they will get your landy reliable again - or as reliable as any car can be anyway - good luck...

Yu got that bolt out yet??? :p
Ere Unreliable!! your hubbys a generous soul int he? Letting yu have a pooter in the kitchen. So you can get online while ya doing the washing & cooking..
So I will never fully appreciate the way some of you feel about your landrovers because I see a car as a means of getting about rather than something you buy snorkels and chrome knobs for!
.....Is there a thread on here that I can read and get some advice
I say we need something which is a bit more reliable but he just wont see it. Please help! Thanks in advance. It would be great to give him some advice though he probably wouldnt listen as im just a woman and dont know anything about cars.

My knobs are polished ali - but then that's maybe cos I'm a wumman :rolleyes:
Isn't the new fuel pump under any kind of warranty? If so that's your starting point; sale of goods act :)
If it's not (for some bizarre reason) do a search for your b/f's Landy issues, or better still, why not just give him the url for the site? At least then we'd be talking to a fellow enthusiast rather than a non-appreciative passenger!!

it's not the "car" that needs to go, it's the fookin Doris!

Unreliable We can help, but you will take aribbing if you can take it in the chin' then we can get your td5 going again through the nice people on landyzone. Jai
lol..some of your comments are great and I certainly can take it...wait...hold on one sec...I should type in this font as I am sure some of you flat cap wearing oldies cant see that well and will stop you having to search for your glasses.

Its going in for repair tomorrow, just have to get it there. I dont really know what I am talking about ("no...really" i hear some of you say) so will find out the details as a few main land rover garages have been quite confused with this problem he has. Thanks for all your replies. Speak soon.

Unreliable x
I NEED HELP PLEASE...My boyfriend has a Defender 90 TD5 which he has had for the past year although it has been in the garage more than it has been driven. This morning he phoned as he was taking the children to school that once again, it has cut out whilst going along. It doesnt give us any notice, it just stops, which I feel is obviously pretty dangerous.

Does it only stop unexpectedly outside pubs, magazine stores and 4X4 specialist shops? :D

If you buy your fuel regularly from a small garage it might be that the fuel is supplied contaminated, bit of a long shot. If it worked fine for two months after a new pump, I just thought it might be crap fuel causing the fault to come back.

Good luck and Welcome.

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