They're about £300 with 1 license (1 vehicle option like Freelander 1 is 1 option, or Freelander 2 is a different option) + the hawkeye.
The Hawkeye displays voltages, hence becoming a meter. But it can't measure voltages itself. It gets the data oft the computer in the Freelander. It's this computer that measures the voltages. They have also launched a newer more expensive version, from what I see, which is why I think they haven't had time to make the Hawkeye I have betterer. Having said that it's about the best you can buy, for the money, unless you look at faultmate by blackbox solutions. Hawkeye doesn't come with a manual to explain what each item does, so I use the faultmate site for reference. I've not used a faultmate so can't compare.
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