Bargain - named by the missus coz I got it at about £1200 below list price but have spent best part of £1800 in the first year (and still needs work).
if I was to pick a name today I'd have to name mine Kay after my last girlfriend because its big up front like her chest, drinks alot, costs a fortune to run and puts a big grin of my face when she's turned on lol

still thinking of a more meaningful name though
Started as The Green Hornet - as it is Green but also has the last three letters of the reg of PTY so may become Petey or Patsy .

I personally like The Green Hornet.

My daughter calls her Peugoet Speedfight - Percy
My BMW Adventure - which I have had for seven years is just named 'The Beemer' - So Original!!
My Harley is called 'The Harley' - Again Original
My Dog is called 'Harley'

Sometimes the misus looks at me funny when I say I'm taking Harley for a ride :-(
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Disco is referred to as a ****ing going on because something its always broken, or about to break. The series 3 is called the tractor because it smokes like one and it was bought off a farmer :doh:
I call mine the Beast because it's a huge bloody great thing and my wife and are are comparitively short so it's like clinbing Everest getting in and out of the thing:D:D:D

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