
New Member
After a disussion with some mates (fellow Discovery owners) one asked if I've got a names for my truck because one of theres is called Donna (because thats the name of the dirtiest girl he's ever slept with) and ones called betris fiona (for reasons unknown) and Mines called Roxy (Named by my GF because she thinks if I call my discovery a her its got to be a lesbian).

So I was wondering, Has anyone else got names for their trucks??
we buy and sell so we dont have them more than a year or two but usually call them by their colour ,the blue disco , the black disco etc.
green one is called the Heap.
blue one is currently ****ing rustheap But am sure I'll change it in time :D
I call mine the disco duck........**** knows why, I guess its because it rimes & I'm welsh which means I could be a poet, and didn't ****ing know it.
Yep mine is called Noah, named by my gf because he is blue, big and number plate kinda spells Noah's ark (sort of)

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