makes me angry, but in order to get in touch with them I have to write and post them a letter!!! even though I've just been on their website. lazy feckers just don't wanna get their boots muddy.

it really annoys me that people don't even stop to imagine just how muddy, rutted and horrendous their "loveable byways" must have been BEFORE cars came on the scene. a feckload worse I reckon
i'd be interested to know exactly how long these peeps have lived in Derbyshire, i suspect them to be outsiders throwing their weight around!
And what's the best way to get actively involved, MHM?

DUnno about MHM, but I drive all the lanes in my area and email/telephone/snailmail councils when they get blocked. Whenever or wherever I drive a lane and find it blocked I abate the blockage where possible and inform (email/tel/letter) the appropriate council/public highways dept.

I attend meetings when I can, local council has a public forum which I also attend when I can.

I've been to meetings on proposed TRO's in Norfolk, Salisbury, Derbyshire, North Yorkshire and Wales when TRO's have been proposed on lanes I've driven. I also write letters wenever I feel a TRO is wrong, as in the case to TRO Roych etc .. I did for Chapelgate and others too.

One thing that helps at many public meetings is proof that you have actually driven or used a green lane. So I often take pics of very recognisable features along a lane to 'prove' people still actually drive it .. it's one reason I used to keep my Disco as near standard looking as possible ... a Disco is recognised by many bobbles as a 'Chelsea Tractor' that's only off-road on tescos carpark. OK, it's a bit rougher-looking now but the principle still stands .. it ain't a challenge truck!!

I don't often crow about what I do, I normally just do it. I've mentioned a couple on here in the past where I've had good results .. but mostly mine's just a small effort ..

Whenever a TRO is proposed we need as many opposers to the proposal as possible. Trouble is, we need them to oppose it 'properly' by writing letters or emails (many templates on t'web to use if people aren't confident about writing to councils or authorities) .. not with temper tantrums and 'shows of strength', but with reasoned debate and often compromise .. like the voluntary scheme(which was mostly observed) on Stanage, for instance ..

OTOH, when all else has failed and a TRO is made permanent, then maybe we could do stuff like the ramblers did originally, mass trespasses and vocal/vehicular protests .. but they need doing properly, not ad-hoc, and they do carry some risk ...
What a crock of ****. How much wildlife gets disrupted by the coach loads of ramblers association sandal wearers that descend on the villages of the peaks every summer?

I own a landrover and am a keen walker and mountaineer and spend plenty of time in the peaks as its on my doorstep.

I've never witnessed convoys of badly behaved Greenlaners, just the odd small group crawling over the terrain in vehicles that they spend lots of time and money on to deter wreckless driving.
These people have every right to their opinion. They are wrong, of course, but they have every right to voice their concerns.

As users of the lanes we also have every right to voice our concerns. However we are not a powerful lobbying group like the RA are, and the RA will undoubtedly be in their corner. We need good publicity, and we need to be able to show that driving green lanes is not damaging when it is done properly. I have seen accounts from people who have actually gone out with ROW officers from their local council and shown them what it is all about.

Can we fight these people and win? Of course we can. It does, however, need to be achieved with reason and not with abuse. We must remember that these people are accustomed to getting their own way and are, in general, social bullies who want to inflict their own beliefs on everyone else.
What ever is said and done about this in this good old united(makes me laugh)kingdom it is easier for the said authourties (excuse spelling) to use total bans instead of spending monies police in the problems. It just ends up with the people that respect and put back into something loosing out. It takes one idiot for the rest to suffer. :mad:

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