i have 2 new excellent smileys that can be applied to this thread,the op could have started this very differently by going to the intro section and offering it free to LZ,ers first


  • ferraritoys.jpg
    25.2 KB · Views: 133
  • ****er.gif
    1.9 KB · Views: 187
yes in retrospect i shud have offered it for free to start with.iil have myself flogged to within an inch of my life
Not wanting to get drawn into the spam issue, I'm glad there is a new site up here so I no longer have to drive for blooming miles to get to a P&P.

I will be there at the weekend for my free play.
it is spammy, but it's probably a useful idea to stick a sticky of known p&p sites in the off roading section.

then anyone can add there own/known with price/contact details on it

i don't really know of any up here


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keel hauled behind a 90 sounds fitting
I will have you know, young man, that if anyone does the keel hauling around here it will be me!!

Spectators can pay a reasonable fee to watch, but must bring their own chips, bacon butties and other sandwiches.

However, any cream cakes brought along by spectators will be confiscated and personally disposed of by me! :p:p:p
My motivation is selfless, d'you hear! Selfless!!

I am doing this service to save people from the potentially fatal results of over-indulgence in dairy fresh cream products!

The same offer goes out to anyone who has foolishly bought any of the wonderfully tasting ice creams from the Crescent Cafe in Seaton Delaval.

Can I save the world from itself?

No, but I can but try :D:D:D

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