To make posts that are basically advertising something, you are supposed to have made fifty constructive posts minimum on the forum ;)

Beautiful part of the world up there! :)

hey I can advertise !

oh bugger they have to be constructive?? :frusty:
just thought your members might like to know about new off r oad course !obviously not

You didn't think that you'd like to get as many £25 admissions in your pocket as you can then?:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

If you'd like to offer the facility FREE of charge to LZ's members then I'll happily re-instate the posts.
i was going to do the use of the course free to lz members for the first day, that still spam ?

That's funny cos your deleted post said.....

As the sites in the process of being redied i will be charging only £25 per car for all day and if foods on it will be nice and cheap.

if we on ratty u wanna edit the original post to say sat sun free

Not really. How do we know that when peeps turn up you're not gonna charge them? You seem to be changing your mind a lot.

It seems to me that you only joined to spam your 'business venture'

Why don't peeps charge you instead. After all you need them to drive the overgrown routes and help you with the course.

hi im darren from bellinghan near kielder had 6 defenders but havent g ot one at the minuite hoping to get another pretty soon.
Im currently in negotiations with the owner of a 60 acre off road centre in northumberland with a view to opening it back up as a pay and play site.
its been closed for the last two years and and the tracks are overgrown but theres a woodland section mudplugging water diches and a serious off road sedtion were they used to run a tank !! theres also steep hillls and basically 60 acres to play on.
theres a few buildings and im planning on serving lunches.
if it all comes together im going to need help marking out tracks and clearing them basically what i need is a few landies to ddrive the course i would also like some input on new features and tracks. if anybodys up for some free off roading msg me:)
youre quite welcome to drive up from somerset and make sure i do it free which i will, its fortunate that everyones not as cynical as your good self as ive already had offers of help and there more than welcome .i wonder if you,d have the same attitude if it was near you ?

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