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You can think what you like .
I do and I'm happy to say what I like and I think you're full of it. :D
No decent person, having read the previous posts in this thread, is going to post what you did. Even if, by some miracle, you'd had a positive experience you're going to say 'Christ it worked out ok for me, but I must have been bloody lucky given the service everyone else has had.'
You're just making everyone on here think that you must be a complete and utter simpleton to put a post on like that and expect us to believe you are not Image 4X4 or a muppet friend of.
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How's this working out @kishor ? Seemed like a good idea at the time but back fired against image 4x4, right?
Too bloody right it has. For god sake what a low life. Have you seen the ads on TV at the moment about scammers robbing people of their pensions. Unfortunately, the people who get their lives wrecked are really nice people who trust in human nature. These people don't have the brains or the effort in them to do a proper job and have pride in themselves. Instead they scavange off decent, hard working people by taking advantage of their trust in human nature. Makes ya blood boil :mad:
Think of all the money they are turning over ,
each vehicle 20k plus then keep dissolving the company to just set up in new names leaving a lot of unhappy customers from what we are reading on here ,
Must live in a big mansion with them turnovers
Think of all the money they are turning over ,
each vehicle 20k plus then keep dissolving the company to just set up in new names leaving a lot of unhappy customers from what we are reading on here ,
Must live in a big mansion with them turnovers
Nah, fur coat and no knickers. They'll have a RR Sport, but be scumming it from one scam to the next.
Good thinking. :D
Also, @kishor what was the original vehicle and engine spec and exactly what was done to it to tune it? We're all very keen to know :cool:

All I can say is that providing Mike @ Dynachip is true to his expectations he probably got the same results for £250 on my D2 Td5.

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