Does Anyone know where I can get my Hardon Karmon DSP amp repaired? I think its the output transistors blown, the front speakers are playing perfectly but the Sub whoofer sounds like a bag of ****e and the rear doar speakers are really distorted and hissy
I'm on my 3rd DSP amp!! When the first one gave up I took it to a stereo repair specialist who I have used several times for codes and bits and bobs over the years and they instantly told me the amp is unserviceable and has to be replaced.

I have been lucky and found brand new replacements both times fairly cheaply on fleabay. And luckily the latest one seems to be holding up. If it blows again I will be going down the aftermarket route as they are getting harder to find and new from Landrover they are getting on for £500:eek:

Good luck with yours and maybe someone on here does know of someone that repairs them.
Im with Fortgrange with this one. My specialist said exactly the same. I was lucky enough to get a spanking new one from eBay US for $50 !!!!!!!!
Thats what i thought, but trying to find a replacement is impossible, but i will keep looking...I can live with the front speakers only for the time being
hi, i might be able to help you out with a brand new amp. if you can email me pics of your multi plug socket on your existing amp

regards jim
hi, i might be able to help you out with a brand new amp. if you can email me pics of your multi plug socket on your existing amp

regards jim

Be careful there. There are many variations of the amp, that all look the same with the same plugs but with different may find yourself with only 2 speakers again of you get the wrong one.
Cheers guys, have managed to locate one from Emmots of Colne, its only 5 minutes away down the motorway and for £100 it's not woth searching any further... and if i collect it I can try it out there and then.

Have a good christmas everyone and thanks for the advice
Fitted the amp....and OMG the sound is out of this world..The Bass from the sub woofer thumps through your body and the sound at max volume is crystal clear without the slightest distortion! I could put to shame all those anoying teenagers who pull up at the lights with all the windows down blasting unreconisable ****e..... I dont think me iplaying The Bay City Rollers at high volume and thumping bass has the street cred it once had though :hysterically_laughi

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