
New Member
anyone know any cheeky ways to do this to avoid green lanes scratches? I can't see anything obvious other than spraying more clearcoat but I don't think that'll help.

My D2 has taken a bit of a beating from green laning in kent which seems very overgrown, everywhere. I succumbed to the fact that this will happen but if there are any tried and tested ways to avoid, short of avoiding all the fun green lanes then I may give it a go.

Buy something older for laning that you don't mind scratching, you will have even more fun if you not worrying about your body work
Wasnt there some flashy diamond coat polish stuff around that reckoned it prevented paint from light scratches?
Dont reckon any polish / paint treatment will work against brambles
It's pretty old already stu. It's too late to worry about scratching it too, just wondering if there's some off the shelf solution otherwise she'll continue to acquire more battle scars :)
Paint her with matt MOD paint so you can just give it a quick touck up every few weeks
Cheapest way is to just polish the feck out of the car every time .. but it won't stop it getting scratched. Most of the 'repair' polishes just don't work without real effort, and won't remove the deep 'branch' scratches, so doing it properly anyway is as good as anything!

Or just leave it ... ;)
I've found that a real good nanowax is best at avoiding light scratches but other than that its vinyl wraps either clear or coloured but even then I can see that being costly and still showing scratches to the vinyl itself
I am considering something like clear vinyl wrap as I did end up buying one with Mica paint.

But I suppose taking saws is easier
you just need to be carefull that you are only cutting enough back to allow passage and no more or you will have the glass lot on you for doing too much
you just need to be carefull that you are only cutting enough back to allow passage and no more or you will have the glass lot on you for doing too much

fook GLASS tin't fook all to do wiv them..
could have sworn I had read a bit that said something about cutting back just enough not taking the whole hedgerow out? must have misread it then

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