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Hey ho!! I've just stumbled across this massive thread. This has got nothing to do with laning at all. This has got plenty to do with winding people up for fun. Or its another site trying to disrupt LZ for kicks. It ain't laning talk, this is a denial of service attack. Standback and look at it guys. You ain't winning and you never will. Shut this thread down before the server runs out of disk space.

this int A massive thread, bllody hell we've seen em get past the 100page mark before now.
Hey ho!! I've just stumbled across this massive thread. This has got nothing to do with laning at all. This has got plenty to do with winding people up for fun. Or its another site trying to disrupt LZ for kicks. It ain't laning talk, this is a denial of service attack. Standback and look at it guys. You ain't winning and you never will. Shut this thread down before the server runs out of disk space.


well if people stop commenting it'll disappear itself:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I agree with Sirus - if people stop posting pointless 'I agree' posts tis thread will disappear :D

Hang on :doh:
Is all this dross really appropriate for the Greenlaning section? :scratching_chin:

Seems the 'Anything goes' area is spreading.
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