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You lot don't half blether on. I'll keep an eye out for a serious comment

So you dont consider my post yesterday serious, where councils, without consultation close lanes through over usage

I have never denied that they do large groups. I have just not been able to understand what harm this does and you haven't been able to demonstrate this to me. .

The damage is to the public perception of what we do. Councils will not come to us to debate whether lanes should be closed, they receive complaints and act on them, by then its too late. drive a closed lane and see what happens to your vehicle then.

So the point that excessive use (non damaging) gets lanes closed due to complaints, gets through to you.............................

but you disagree with it?????

Am I reading your response correctly????

My answer above to an earlier post of yours just about sums it up I think. YES large groups do cause damage, damage is not just an environmental issue, and ignoring others members of society just because you have the right to drive a legal route will bring about the demise of our hobby far faster. Working with groups like GLASS who promote the greenlaning community and following thier guidelines may be pampering to the bobblies as you put it, but at least they are doing something positive.
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Me thinks you slipped up with this bit.

I bet you've bene up there many times more than the once that all the people who came with me last weekend have done it.

As far as I'm concerend it just confirms to me that you do in fact work for protrax. As we are talking of an incident that happened a long time ago it can't have been last weekend. 'the people who came with me' says that you were leading them rather than being led.
who cares. we all know this bloke is barking up the wrong tree. we all know we take the correct number of vehicles in a group when we go out, all of which know the correct way of doing things and al capable of recovering themselves.

James has actually made his original point worse. If you put Happy Valley Wales into google, not only are we the second link, but subsequent links attached to that make it stand out (from his point of view) so coming on here to defend what he THINKS is correct, has actually made the situation worse.

Lock the thread. there is no more to be said.

Me thinks you slipped up with this bit.

As far as I'm concerend it just confirms to me that you do in fact work for protrax. As we are talking of an incident that happened a long time ago it can't have been last weekend. 'the people who came with me' says that you were leading them rather than being led.
My thoughts exactly!
I cant see why anyone would want to pay a large amount of money to be lead by others, Its expensive enough with general costs fuel costs and ongoing maintenance costs.
Be quicker to list the places you aint broke the disco:D:D

Hey, don't knock it.

If he attracts all the bad luck away from other people's cars, then that's good for the rest of us :D

Though you best not break down this time Nathan118118 :D
nowte to do with bad luck, the gap road will find weeknesses in any mota, least ive fixed my week spots and its in top cond now :)
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Actually, I've worked all this out now. You lot don't like anyone else doing anything off road unless it's your way of doing it. People have been told to stop buying LRO, they've been told not to pay for off road guidance / instruction. This is a militant bunch of people who would rather have the greenies on their side and not get what they want rather than simply enjoying their hobby within the law and without causing damage.

As for the chap that thinks that the only answer is for the polcie to get involved, well, that one made me laugh out loud. If that doesn't destroy the hobby for everyone then what will?!?!

Have fun!
Actually, I've worked all this out now. You lot don't like anyone else doing anything off road unless it's your way of doing it. People have been told to stop buying LRO, they've been told not to pay for off road guidance / instruction. This is a militant bunch of people who would rather have the greenies on their side and not get what they want rather than simply enjoying their hobby within the law and without causing damage.

As for the chap that thinks that the only answer is for the polcie to get involved, well, that one made me laugh out loud. If that doesn't destroy the hobby for everyone then what will?!?!

Have fun!

Dont you ever give up?

what you mean 'off road'? Now thats funny
dont tempt fate Tim u may just need me to drag you out when u gets stuck :p :D

Oh I know.......

.....I'm even considering getting breakdown recovery cover just in case.

Never had it in 20+ years of car owning, but I keep thinking where you would have been without it :eek:

But then again, I think you can still join the AA on the spot when you break down - it used to be a £80 surcharge, but I've saved 100's more than that by not joining for the last 20 years :D

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