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None of these posts mention other trips, do they?

your a ****ing idiot. there is 90 boys original post and my comments on their actions in Morocco with over 20 vehicles. found my notes, 28 vehicles. I even have the picture. what more do you want, a ****ing police report?

many people here have bumped into tour groups. some the right size, some clearly the wrong size. one company has now even earned the nickname 4x14 tours due to his group sizes. many are good companies and conduct themselves accordingly. you however have not done your research, opened a copy of LRO, put your hand in your pocket and paid the 1st company you saw, without even a thought.

You are clearly new to all this and do not understand what people are trying to tell you. Like I said before, take your money and go join another forum who agree with you and your company protrax. your not winning hearts, minds or friends here. If you were defending a respectable company that employs good ethics I would back you 100% but I have seen their actions with MY OWN EYES.

you must be a politician, because you dont have any common sense.
Do you know what 90boy saw???? Nope:nospamhere:

He saw 18 Land Rovers going up Happy Valley and he had to wait for them to go past and this inconvenienced him enough to write some spiteful horse****.

Close enough?:nospamhere:
your a ****ing idiot. there is 90 boys original post and my comments on their actions in Morocco with over 20 vehicles. found my notes, 28 vehicles. I even have the picture. what more do you want, a ****ing police report?

many people here have bumped into tour groups. some the right size, some clearly the wrong size. one company has now even earned the nickname 4x14 tours due to his group sizes. many are good companies and conduct themselves accordingly. you however have not done your research, opened a copy of LRO, put your hand in your pocket and paid the 1st company you saw, without even a thought.

You are clearly new to all this and do not understand what people are trying to tell you. Like I said before, take your money and go join another forum who agree with you and your company protrax. your not winning hearts, minds or friends here. If you were defending a respectable company that employs good ethics I would back you 100% but I have seen their actions with MY OWN EYES.

you must be a politician, because you dont have any common sense.

Can someone please find me a forum that condones what Ploptrax actually does???
your a ****ing idiot. there is 90 boys original post and my comments on their actions in Morocco with over 20 vehicles. found my notes, 28 vehicles. I even have the picture. what more do you want, a ****ing police report?

many people here have bumped into tour groups. some the right size, some clearly the wrong size. one company has now even earned the nickname 4x14 tours due to his group sizes. many are good companies and conduct themselves accordingly. you however have not done your research, opened a copy of LRO, put your hand in your pocket and paid the 1st company you saw, without even a thought.

You are clearly new to all this and do not understand what people are trying to tell you. Like I said before, take your money and go join another forum who agree with you and your company protrax. your not winning hearts, minds or friends here. If you were defending a respectable company that employs good ethics I would back you 100% but I have seen their actions with MY OWN EYES.

you must be a politician, because you dont have any common sense.

Another abusive post. That should go down well with your prospective customers, Griff. Better not hope they Google Happy Valley and find this thread on the first page eh?

I have never denied that they do large groups. I have just not been able to understand what harm this does and you haven't been able to demonstrate this to me. You haven't been able to tell me why they are not respectable when in my experience they just are.
Are you capable of discussing or even arguing without abuse? Let's see.

Do you know what 90boy saw? Have you even been to Happy Valley or on a Protrax event?

"It" couldn't have happened. What do you mean by "it"? What events are you describing because I think you've got so carried away with hating me that you've forgotten what it is your actually talking about.

I don't hate you I don't even know you. I know you post drivel and ****e but you'd have to post much worst before I even started to dislike you let alone hate you. The "It I was reffering to was the organised trip that 90boy witnessed which you claimed could not have happened. I would like to know how you came to the conclusion that it could not have happened.
I have never denied that they do large groups. I have just not been able to understand what harm this does and you haven't been able to demonstrate this to me. You haven't been able to tell me why they are not respectable when in my experience they just are.

they are only respected by LRO readers, sheep and people who cannot fathom navigating, driving, recovering or fixing a vehicle themselves.

we have explained over and over the harm caused by large groups. both visually and also terrain impact, but you still go on defending with some sort of wriggle out clause.

you really are a mental :rolleyes:
they are only respected by LRO readers, sheep and people who cannot fathom navigating, driving, recovering or fixing a vehicle themselves.

we have explained over and over the harm caused by large groups. both visually and also terrain impact, but you still go on defending with some sort of wriggle out clause.

you really are a mental :rolleyes:

I read LRO occasionally and I don't want to be included with those people, I did want to be included in this thread though.:D
I read LRO occasionally and I don't want to be included with those people, I did want to be included in this thread though.:D

Like James, LRO tends to repeat itself and go around and around. I suggest you stop buying it as soon as possible.
I've been toying with the idea of starting a thread about which is the best mag.....should be good for a laugh :D

Wanted to wait until this fred had died down first though....there's only so much I can take :D

Which reminds to check the freds abusing the idiots stuck in the quarry :D:D:D
James - The whole idea of the guide lines from GLASS and the like is to protect and keep the greenlanes open. Regardless of if you agree with them or not they have a purpose.

I recall you saying Why should we pussyfoot around the Ramblers (Or words to that effect), The reason is because they have a better reputation in the public, the councils nearly ALWAYS sidewith them and some of the members of the Ramblers Acc. ect are also members of Local Councils. Greenlaners just don't have that say on what goes that the ramblers do. It is a sad situation but it is the it is....

They are guidelines - not rules so it is up to you if you follow them.... but I would view people who don't follow them as selfish.
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Me thinks Dr Disco71 was erroneous in his diagnosis; I feel the patient is suffering from a chronic case of Egomania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - convinced he is right in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, utterly convinced of his own superiority....

Incidentally James, earlier, you implied that all any of us do is sit and type about laning and off-roading; I can assure you there are some very experienced drivers here, with a wealth of experience. Speaking personally; I have taken professional 4x4 driver training, done innumerable P&P's on numerous sites, competed in, and marshalled challenge events (including ones with Vince Cobley, I know him quite well) worked in the trade and done a lot of Green Laning - so don't for a second imagine that we do not know what we are talking about.

.......and it could have all been avoided, if he'd only done this: :rolleyes:
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Me thinks Dr Disco71 was erroneous in his diagnosis; I feel the patient is suffering from a chronic case of Egomania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - convinced he is right in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, utterly convinced of his own superiority....

Incidentally James, earlier, you implied that all any of us do is sit and type about laning and off-roading; I can assure you there are some very experienced drivers here, with a wealth of experience. Speaking personally; I have taken professional 4x4 driver training, done innumerable P&P's on numerous sites, competed in, and marshalled challenge events (including ones with Vince Cobley, I know him quite well) worked in the trade and done a lot of Green Laning - so don't for a second imagine that we do not know what we are talking about.

.......and it could have all been avoided, if he'd only done this: :rolleyes:

No amount of training can change the fact that you are a "woman driver":D:behindsofa:
No amount of training can change the fact that you are a "woman driver":D:behindsofa:

As my good friend 'Dr Jon' - one of the guys who runs KORC once remarked to me, as we idly threw stones at a mate who was stuck in the lake: "You throw like a girl, but you drive your Landy like a man"

:) good enough for me ;)
they are only respected by LRO readers, sheep and people who cannot fathom navigating, driving, recovering or fixing a vehicle themselves.

we have explained over and over the harm caused by large groups. both visually and also terrain impact, but you still go on defending with some sort of wriggle out clause.

you really are a mental :rolleyes:

Griff - as I said before you shouldn't patronise those that prefer to pay for the things you describe. Especially when you intend to exploit those people with a business. I understand the visual impact of a large group but do not buy that a large group necessarily causes more damage to a track than several smaller groups if, all being equal, the group(s) are run responsibly (this was my experience of Protrax). No one has shown that in this thread either in Wales or Morocco (especially there).

Well there we are. The aggression seems to have died down a bit thankfully so it seems like a good time to agree to disagree.
I would think that a large group would be perceived (not necessarily correctly) to be causing more damage by the green brigade and would therefore encourage the closure of the roads.
FFS is this thread still running?

Dont yu guys ever listen?
James, or Protrax as is suggested, aint listening! He has his own agenda and cannot back down. We all know that Protrax do not confirm to GLASS recomendations and as long as they are allowed to run large convoys, and make more money by doing so, they will do so. Whether that is wise, environmentally wise or upsets the locals, is irrelevant. The only way to stop this is for the police to stop them, charge the owners, if they have broken the law and make any fines so unpaliative that it is no longer in their best interests to havd large groups. So i recomend that every time you see a group, then you complain to the police.
Whatever else this guy has said, it is obvoius that he isnt listening. Reasoned arguements are a waste if time, if he is igniring it.
It reminds me of a phrase i heard a long time ago.....
"dont confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up".
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