David Leech

Well-Known Member
Series 3, How far out should my Button pop, Ladies and Gentlemen. Without further investigation I can only depress it about 1/8 inch (3mm). It appears quite stiff at that but does release from the ratchet. Obviously bench testing at the moment.....

Squirt oil round it, then get a hide mallet and keep tapping it down gently, it will gradually come out more.

I was at it today, cleaning the crud off. Dismantled the whole thing and to my surprise the button screwed off fairly easily. Cleaned and greased everything but when assembled the button is more or less in the same position, it's freer now though. I wonder if it's possible to screw the button on too 'tight', The only way I could gain a bit extra would be to unscrew the button a fraction. This is all 'bench work' so I'll wait and see when the time comes to actually fit it.
'Lands' are arriving this week Rob, I'm going to attempt that chisel trick.....

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