if im not working away and i manage to sort the disco out in time il come along if its ok? cant give a deffo answer till next weekend tho but sounds like a good day
be forewarned - If we do Water Lane, and the intention IS to do this lane, expect to damage your motor - if you dont, you have been lucky.

you have been warned!
I might be a possible providing we dont reverse down water lane again! might see how the weather goes and how the tire fund is going
I might be a possible providing we dont reverse down water lane again! might see how the weather goes and how the tire fund is going

Yes that was funny. Having just done a section and feeling relieved we made to be told we need to do it again but this time in reverse!
be forewarned - If we do Water Lane, and the intention IS to do this lane, expect to damage your motor - if you dont, you have been lucky.

you have been warned!

what sorta damage are we talking? just paintwork/body damage or some mechanical/suspension damage?

cars now a daily bus to work so cant be making it un-driveable!! bodywork i couldnt give a toss about, front wings held on with wire and 2 self tappers is how all cars should look!!
reet then - i need names......
How many want to do a couple of hairy lanes and how many want a casual poodle around the countryside, with the occasional "ooo-err missus" thrown in?

It is possible, only possible, that I might be persuaded to do a noobies run on the 11th, whilst the men wreck their motors on a couple of lanes led by Redwings.

can we have a poll please for peeps to put their names down for the (two) runs. Places are limited, so buy your tickets quick;).

ere Redwings - do yu think we could do a Protrax here? 100 sovs a head??? :p
If I is driving all the way to ampshire, I expect the hopurtoonity to break sommat or at least improve the styling on the disco a bit more.

Fort the easy peasy stuff was last weekend??? and 11th for the "I dont give a ****" brigade.
It was - but we decided to do one of the more difficult lanes as we ran out of easy ones. Aint you read the last few posts on the other fred?

There arent many really bad ones - they are "BOATS" after all. So we mite lull yu into a false sense of security and then rip the side orf yo motor at the end :D

I suggest (to Redwing) that to stop a repeat of last w/e, we station one or two guys at both ends of the lane to check that it is clear before doing a run???
Anyone that doesnt want to run them, but wants to experience the sheer terror can be ballast?
If I is driving all the way to ampshire, I expect the hopurtoonity to break sommat or at least improve the styling on the disco a bit more.

Fort the easy peasy stuff was last weekend??? and 11th for the "I dont give a ****" brigade.
You only has to pull off the drive to break summit......like a wall:D:D:D
It was - but we decided to do one of the more difficult lanes as we ran out of easy ones. Aint you read the last few posts on the other fred?

Why would I want to read the uvva fred for a trip what I didn't do??:doh:

You only has to pull off the drive to break summit......like a wall:D:D:D

An I'll av yu know, its getting onto the drive whats the tricky bit and tends to bend the wall a bit

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