Ed Foster

New Member
Got into my car after just popping into the shop turned the key and click!!......Nothing:eek: . Was in a hurry so called out the AA, battery was fine turned out to be a dodgy connection on the starter motor, once the nice man cleaned it up started first time and all windows and the sunroof set with no problems ...Hoorah!!:) ...Just got to put the code in the stereo....
Call that a breakdown?? :p Thats not a breakdown, thats a temporary extended stop ;)

Only when your on the side of the motorway, bonnet up, coolant being expelled from all angles, your head is in a cloud of steam and your temp gauge buried into the red zone can you call it a breakdown. Other joys of a real breakdown include everyone else in the car commenting on the P38 in a less than favorable way and having to sit waiting for recovery as you have picked the coldest night of the year to breakdown... because you never breakdown properly in the day :D lol

-Wills :)
Just had the same problem again!!!! Was in a hurry so had to leave the car there and walk, will call the AA later and see if they can fix it again! :(
Diesel? If you have a diesel you should have no problems ...The big V8S are a nightmare ...Hope your rich ....LPG?

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