Does anyone have experience with repairing a pretty much destroyed seat box?

Previous owner (complete crayon eater) has hacked it to bits for no reason.

Are there repair pannels or can it be braced?

I'm not doing a full rivet counter rebuild. Plus it is having OMP seats in it too with custom tunnel and stuff.

Just a bit mardy, it has been hacked to death for a lt77 box when it really didn't need to be.

I will make a thread about the bodges, some go from laughable to down right dangerous. Which has made a simple 'bit of wiring' turn into full nut and bolt rebuild 3yrs ago.
Sorry for the stupid long wait.
Changing jobs, training, weekly to monthly pay all that Jazz.

I'll make a bodges thread.

The lad who had it before me, said he built it for his ex.

After finding them, I questioned if he had life insurance on her.

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