Just down the road. Im in ashtead, just past epsom. You been round the lanes around Abinger and Shere?
Just down the road. Im in ashtead, just past epsom. You been round the lanes around Abinger and Shere?



Blew up my first engine there, thats the long lane that goes from shire, under the main road and up the hill! poor end to an otherwise excellent days off roading.

:) thats also how i know why a diesel smokes white smoke.

YouTube - Water + Land Rover Engine

That was the next morning...

I went into that puddle to hard, filled the engine with water, bent 2 conrods. That smoke was the result of just one cylinder not having enough compression to fire. When i came to replace the conrods, it tured out that the big end had hit the bottom of the bore also, and taken a bit chunk out. new engine time...

Am back that way in a couple of weeks though, but i doubt ill have much time for much, am back for 2 days and its already gonna be manic stuff!
lol. Unlucky, that water doesent look that deep, were you doing 40mph? My old TD engine survived many a venture around there, the chalk hill going down towards "Drakes on the Pond" pub being my closest encounter to landrover death, when it went over 50 degrees then landed on the side step.

To be honest im bord of the lanes around there. More recently been off-roading around the devils punch bowl area, and done a couple of trips to Wales with Discojamzey.

What are you studdieng at Bangor University? I was at Swansea doing aerospace till early this year.
'lectronics engineering. And no, i was in 2nd low, thats how fast i was going. REALLY unluckly i guess.

That was unlucky, given that last time I drove that lane (down hill) I was in my Freelander.
Earlier in the day I'd left my nephew (90 on M/Ts) and brother (V8 1110) standing on the chalk climb from Abinger to Ranmore Common. Until then they thought Traction Control was a gimmick!

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