FFS Yella be gentle with im ya know Landys are like wimin when you 1st get one you won't hear nowt said against em but a month down the the line and you're calling em every coont under the sun.
Yep ! friday or Monday !!!!

So make sure yer get all the dog sh*t off yer lawn, Cus Me and Grunt's makin a ollody out o't job ;) :D

Hope you bring your wellies cause its Pishing it down here. (ignore this Grunt as you dunt take em off):D
oooo - yu coming down to sunny 'amshire then Mondo? - Comin to meet the Tossers?

I dunt think we'll have time mate!

Yer know wot Grunts like when he crosses the Yarkshire border,
panic attacks and nose bleeds, S'gunner be a bloody nightmare it is !:rolleyes:

well Tis fer grunt Cos He's goin in a Gaylander!:D :D :D
Eeeeeeee ave ad me hair cut, our Myrtles pressed me best weskit, Ave got a clean ankerchief, And ave got a box of tampons fer me nosebleeds, will there be owt else I need ?
passport and some of these


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