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it was the best of times, it was the worst of times

found out friday 13th
The good news was you won a Landy in a competition ... the bad news was it was a petrol Gaylander :D
Birds up the stick.

That's the sum total of it

She had stomach cramps and irregular periods, so doctors gave her a lower dose of pill=Child number two appears on the way.:doh:

I'd have preferred to have planned it, but she is pro life-so abortion is not an option, not that I would suggest it to her.

On the plus side we were considering another anyway in couple of years as the first is house trained.
nice one!

congratulations! my first one is due in August! can't wait to have a helper in the garage! lol
Could make a curry out of it when it arrives..


After birth and chips mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm:eek:

If all goes smoothly 16th January
you really must give up watching the porn mate !!!
well done fella ..... tis better when they reach they there 20,s and working they give you money then :D:D
My little boy isn't two until July and loves going out in the Defender with me. He reads through my Landy mags, says 'Land Rover' constantly and even recognises Defenders and Disco's (not Gaylanders) when we're out. He also ignores all other Jap stuff. I think he must point at and say LanWovver hundreds of times a day. Congrats mate and enjoy :)
you really must give up watching the porn mate !!!
well done fella ..... tis better when they reach they there 20,s and working they give you money then :D:D

Funniest bit was when she told me and showed me the pregnancy test-told her the felt pen was wrong colour:D

I'm sure we will manage, for me our first one was a Marvell of nature and one of the best events in our lives-personally I see children as a gift and not a chore.
Congrats, Fanny - mite have to grow up now? :D
:mooning:No I still like to make paper aeroplanes for our three year old and fly kites with her.

[nomedia=""]YouTube - Every Sperm is Sacred {Monty Python's Meaning of Life}[/nomedia]

Look on the bright side, Number 2 may have come a few years early....but it means they will be leaving home a few years early too!:D

This means you will have 2 extra more years of retirement to enjoy.

So it is good news all round!
I bet its the bloke who stayed in his house the night of the census while he was sleeping rough..... Apparently he wasn't the only one having it rough that night:D:D:D

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