Bit late I know but just got sent the messege,
Em and anyone else is this area,
Someone's 90 got stolen from Cowfold Horsham area last Saturday early evening around 8pm.
Keep them locked up/ blocked in!

And I'm not sure can make it for laning yet will wait to see what day every is going then try and make it
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Bit late I know but just got sent the messege,
Em and anyone else is this area,
Someone's 90 got stolen from Cowfold Horsham area last Saturday early evening around 8pm.
Keep them locked up/ blocked in!

And I'm not sure can make it for laning yet will wait to see what day every is going then try and make it

Oh gosh that's awful :( :( so close as well :(
Hi, if anyone on here knows where this lane is and has ignored the sign at either end, a word of warning, the police are keeping an eye on it! There are loads of actual Byways in the area local to this so please stay off it! (GU34).

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Hi, if anyone on here knows where this lane is and has ignored the sign at either end, a word of warning, the police are keeping an eye on it! There are loads of actual Byways in the are local to this so please stay off it! (GU34).


Yep I know where that is, within 1-2 miles of me mate, has been shut for years now will keep an eye out!

My workshop is within a few hundred yards of the lane.
Ps where did the photo police warning come from? I will try and share it to the locals that I know go out!

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